I am in this debate for one purpose, learning. I am not here to abuse people so if you have nothing better to do with your time but use such language, do it some where else.
1) No I did not call Federalism un democratic, I said Federalism is a sign of how democratically you have developed, now if you have any where that I called it un democratic please repost and today.
2) A system I am calling for is a system which puts law and order in any part of Uganda and that law becomes respected. Again I will use Buganda as an example, Although Buganda enjoys a greater freedom under NRM with having its Kingdom reinstated, The lawlessness in Buganda has become very un believable. In all my years in Buganda I have not seen such mob justice as we have today in Buganda. people are killed for he has stolen 50 shillings, they stone you and kill you. And that is about 50 cents Canadian or even less. And these are Baganda killing Baganda. How will federalism cure that? And is that caused by uniterism? We have men hacking their wives by an axe to death, is that uniterism? A man in Bugerere killed his wife for she took her baby for immunization, is that uniterism? let us go on corruption which has eaten Buganda left and centre, Buganda had a bank Teefe, what happened to it? Thousands of Baganda lost their money in that Bank, and up to today, Mengo as the administrator of that bank has never told us what happened to those monies, who ate it and who is responsible. Is that a problem of uniterism? And as a Muganda do you want us to be put back into federalism so that the same lame Mengo take care of our political businesses? Are they going to do a better governance than they did on Teefe Bank?
3) You have a problem in Uganda and you must address it before you bother with what administration to put in, for the problem you have is affecting uniterism and will affect federalism and will affect UPC or DP. Actually it is the same problem affecting the Movement, that is why you see Amin was killing Ugandans on firing squad so is the Movement, why are all of them ending on the same street?
4) Change the word District to Kyaalo and re ask the same question. Mayombo is not bad for he can hide in Lira, it is not the distance which is a problem, for today the most corrupt people in Uganda are RCs. These are people on a local village who eat money from their neighbours people they know, so whether you put Mayombo in Lira or in your own home he is still a killer and federalism can not change him. If you can supervise him in Lira you can supervise him in your home, for even in federal Government The Government of Mengo will not sleep in Mayombo's bed, Mayombo will be supervised by a respected law of the land, a law Uganda does not have.
5) No I do not know what makes a distant and a close royal please explain.
6) Again I put you back in Buganda, why have all leaders of Uganda used Baganda to come to power? Why have they always failed to vote as a block? Baganda started UPC, No instead of supporting it they started DP, are they supporting it today? No they backed Museveni, are they supporting him today? No they now want federalism. Where does this nonsense end? If you think that this venom is due to uniterism then ask your self how many wars do we have in DP and between Ssemogerere and other Baganda wishing to lead that party? Bahima and Bahiru are both in Ankole, Langi and Acholi are both in Northern Uganda. how sliced up will Uganda end up on your final analysis?
7) The Canadian system, no I will not even go there for you failed even to pick up why I brought it in the picture, let us stay with our own Uganda abyss
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: BY WAY OF NOTE- E. Mulindwa

Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Edward Mulindwa:

Because Canada did a ground work before it became a Federal State, it did
not get a bunch of dictators and force them out of Kampala thinking that it
is the solution. As I have said before, Federalism is a kind of governance
which shows how democratically you are developed
. - A fews days ago, you told us how Federalism is not democratic.  Are you turning against your own words??  Is this what you call critical thinking??  I wonder!  Come On!  Wake up!

The problem/s in Uganda is neither unitary nor Federalism, it is a creation
of a space where any of those two systems can function. Uganda has no system so any body, or any leader, or any political party you put in Uganda will
. - If Uganda according to you has no system, what is Unitarism??  Why do we have districts that can not support themselves??  How would you call that??  Not a system??  You must be crazy in your mind!

Mayombo is a killer if he is in Kampala, and if you put him in Mpigi
as a District Security officer under a Federal Buganda government, Mayombo
will kill Ugandans.  For his killing Ugandans today is not for NRM is in
power, it is because Uganda as a state has no system which requires Mayombo to be answerable to any body. As long as he is answerable to the President that is good enough for him Ugandans can die as they want. - First of all, Mayombo would be answerable to the Federal Buganda Gov't because they will keep a closer look on him.  While in Unitarism, Mayombo might sometimes be in Lira doing illegal things and he can not be kept on a close eye because Kampala is far away from Lira.  You talked of a "Mpigi District" under a Federal Buganda government.  Mulindwa, are you even more crazier than I thought?!  "Districts" do not fall under State control, they are controlled by the Central/Federal gov't. &nbs p;  That is why in a Unitary fashion were districts are controlled by the central gov't in Kampala are hard to manage and sustain because they are way too far and there is lack of local care from the dictators in Kampala.

Now you are going to tell us that in a Buganda federal unit he will not. - How do you predict that Mayombo can or will break rules in a Buganda federal unit as a security officer??   What kind of measurement do you use to predict the future, especially in Buganda (since you chose to marginalize other tribes/regions)?? 

And I will respond to you that it was even your self who stated here that in
Buganda we have close Royals and distant royals, now on that kind of
sectarian system, put in Mayombo as a security officer, then you will see
how the distant royals,or even close ones, are packed in train wagons, and
my parents will follow. - You have failed to grasp the relationship between close royals and distant royals, haven't you?!  You still don't get it, you are just running around from one misunderstanding to the next. 

And we have very many other examples we can look at, for example if we have
hard a war in Northern Uganda for 20 years and the population in Buganda is
saying "Ffe Kasita Twebaka" What makes you believe that if a tragedy let us
say flood hits Northern Uganda, Baganda will use some of their resources to
rescue the Northerners? I mean I have just got off the Radio Rhino site
where a member told us specifically th at there will never be a Northerner
leading Uganda again, and that is one of the NRM's agenda. Now on people
with such venom between each other how can you put them in a federal union?
- This is exactly the reason why we need Federalism in Uganda.  What has created this venom between these two people??  Is it Unitarism where each of these people is fighting to get to the national cake, or Federalism where each of these people will have a share of the national cake in their regions??  Mulindwa, this is where you blind yourself.  People with such venom against each other need to be separated (not devorced) before they kill off each other as they are doing now, in Unitarism.

A Federal system is a very good system, but before you put it in a nation
you must work out the basics
. Canada became a federal nation for if you
killed an Ontarian police would arrest you and take you court. Can you
imagine if an Ontarian was killed and a Manitoban said "Ffe Kasita Twebaka"?
- Ha, ha, ha, ha, you're a blind man!  Why did Canada split power and adopted a Federal system??  Was it because an Ontarian was sympathetic to a Manitoban??  Was it because an Ontarian would be or not be arrested by the police if he/she killed a Manitoban??  Why is there a differentiation in your tongue of an Ontarian as a "Ffe" and not both as a "them"??  Does this categorization of Ontarians from Manitoban 'sectarian' to you also??  Or we see a change of mind here??  Mulindwa, I can not sit by here and see you throw ur nonsense on this forum without stimulating your critical brain to another level.  Your cri ticism has stagnated and can not move beyond. 

And I have seen, read, mate a good number of jokers on Uganda's solution.
There are those who want political partys to return, and I laugh at them. I
have seen those who plead for federalism, and I laugh at them. I have seen
those who pile all of us in Movement bus, and I laugh at them. On and on.
For you are all missing one very important ingredient, if we had a system in
Uganda, Iddi Amin would have found it in place and he would have bound by
the same, he came in with his eighteen reasons and you supported him and
called him Ssalongo waffe.The same system would have been in place when
Obote came to power, same when Museveni came to power. But you do not have it. Tomorrow I can be a president of Uganda for thirty reasons, and
kasangwawo you will preach Mulindwa as a good man for he is our fellow
Muganda. Yes I heard "No Lule No Work" But who was Lule? The bastard came to City Square and he started his speech with "Ffe Kyetwayagalizanga
Embazzi...." Thank God the dictator died, for who knows where Uganda would
have been today under the leadership of such?

Build a system in Uganda then Federalism or unitary should be a result of
such a system, do not put the cart in front of a horse. - Mulindwa, the only system I would think of you are maybe trying to refer to is "Constitutionalism".   Constitutionalism with Federalism will and can lead Uganda to the next level.  Why has constitutionalism failed in Uganda??  Ask yourself that question, but keep your anti-Buganda themes out for all the presidents in Uganda who have caused chaos in our country are not from Mengo.   Obote, Amin, Museveni, Okello, who have caused such chaos are not from Mengo.  Let's talk about that.

"why don't you oppose the federalism in the country where you live, yet you
keep opposing it for Uganda ?"

Because Th e federalists and Buganda in particular, waited untill when the
whole rest of Uganda is at war and decided to bring a discussion of such
great importance to our nation for discussion. - Why is the whole rest of Uganda at war??  What system was in place when these wars were and are going on in Uganda??  What is Unitarism??  If so, a critical thinker would put some critic into that.  The LRA is today fighting to get Museveni out of power because they know the source of power is under Unitarism is in the presidency and Kampala.  These are all products of Unitarism, and not Federalism.  Give the Acholi a federal status and the war will be over.

The rest of Uganda is at war, and the parts which are not at war have their Kingdoms muzzled, Ankole as an example. - Are you trying to tell me that the reason why Ankole is at peace is because its Kingdom is muzzled??  With the divisions between the peoples of Ankole (Bahinda, Bahima, Bahiru), are you telling me that they are at peace??  What kind of "peace" is that??  They might not be at "war" but certainly they are not at peace.

To me this is a true picture of what Buganda thinks about Uganda as a nation. And as a result of this very silly move, the discussion of Federalism is carried out only in Buganda and to today no single tribe out there which has come to the table with what they want in this federalism, for they all left this noise with the Buganda empty cans. - The Bunyoro, Busoga, are among other tribes that have come out and asked for federalism.  The problem however is that you and people in the gov't have marginalized them from such debates put on the table.  Mulindwa, never ever since I've been on this forum seen you engage any meaningful debates with politics of 'other' tribes as you call them.  Other tribes are usually intimidated with marginalization as weapons to silence them up.  A good example is Tooro, it was intimidated into silencing its voices and views on federalism. 

Either that or other tribes are critical thinkers who can see through
Museveni's jokes and Buganda ain't. - Yes, Museveni is full of jokes but that does not mean federalism can not work in Uganda.  Who can not see through Museveni's jokes?!  Buganda??  U've got to be kidding with me.  IT is only you Mulindwa who can not see that Buganda can see through these jokes.

Take your pick. - My pick is that Mulindwa, your explainations are not satisfying enough to answer your own questions.  The reason you oppose Federalism in Uganda is the same reason you use to keep other tribes out of your mind games.  It is self-destructive, none is going to loose from Uganda not getting a federalism now than Ugandans.  Your position is a loose-loose one that serves no purpose in a developing Uganda.  Re-examine your critical thinking.   ~ Rehema M.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: BY WAY OF NOTE

> why don't you oppose the federalism in the country where you live, yet you
> keep opposing it for Uganda ?
> >From: "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: ugnet_: BY WAY OF NOTE
> >Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 07:07:28 -0500
> >
> >Netters
> >
> >Today Friday the 12th The Canadian Prime Minister John Chretien at 9 am
> >is going to resign from power, after some forty years of politics, at 10
> >ESA the former Finance Minister Paul Martin will sworn in as the new
> >Canadian Prime Minister.
> >
> >We expect an early summer Federal election which is expected to be worn
> >the same.
> >
> >We wish well to the two gentlemen.
> >
> >Em
> >Toronto

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