
Now, I do happen to have expressed in various fora the view that I see a lot of merit in federalism. So, really, you're not telling me anything new.

The crucial question is, what is the best strategy for bringing about federalism in Uganda?


BTW, the bad news for those who are so obsessed with limiting Buganda's role in Ugandan politics, federalism may not be the magic wand they seek. In any case, I don't see how Buganda's demographic and geographic preponderance in national politics will go away under federalism. For the foreseeable future, (whether under a federal or unitary government) the Baganda will remain the single most populous nationality in Uganda. That reality will continue to be reflected in Uganda's political and cultural life.

And I'd really really appreciate it if you took the time to spell my name correctly.

At 07:34 PM 1/24/2004 -0800, you wrote:

Lasanga: You wrote below,

"It's just that demographically and geographically Buganda looms large in our politics."

Have you ever thought of how to put a balance to the demographic dominance of Buganda in Uganda politics?? My resolution to this demographic dominance is FEDERALISM to all regions of Uganda. What do you think, Lasanga??

Have you ever thought of how to put a balance to the geographic dominance of Buganda in Ugandan politics?? FEDERALISM is the solution. With each region holding power to decide its future, geographic dominance's impact will be reduced. Equal federal representation on the talking table will over look geographic dominance.

What has caused this demographic and geographic dominance of Buganda in our politics?? Unitarism is the driving force behind this unfairness. Unitarism centralizes most of gov't resources towards its center (Buganda). We should not blame Buganda for Uganda's bloody past, we should put the blame on our gov'ts that have over and over again refused a federal arrangement for Uganda. Federalism will make sure that even if one region (Buganda) is wooed by false leaders like Obote and Museveni, the rest of the federation (Acholi, Lango, Bunyoro, Tooro, Ankole, Busoga, Kigezi, etc...) are not affected to the maximum they were when these false leaders make/made their woo-wooings.

Zakoomu R.
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