You know a good bunch of postings in this forum are not worth the time to respond, but this one surely deserves a second. You see it is such uncritical thinking and reasoning that Museveni feeds on. For example what makes one think that Uganda Districts are at war between each other?  is Bunyoro's problem today Busoga? Is West Nile in confrontation with Lango? You can not put districts on a round table unless they are at log-heads. And Uganda districts are not. (Democratic and Cultural) What does that exactly mean? Is Buganda at war with West Nile for West Nile girls do not kneel down when they are greeting people yet Baganda girls do? So you want to put these two districts at a round table to discuss their differences?
Red this one " Political parties should contest in regional politics (democratic) and traditional / cultural posts should be left to be set through traditional customs and norms.  The separation of democratic politics from cultural politics should emphasized even if both kinds of politics will at one point or the other get intertwined, They'll have to be separated, written in the law of the land." What exactly does that sentence mean? sounds like "We have allot of unknowns that we know we do not know whether we know them, but when we know what we do not know we will tell you when we know what we do not know"  Huh? How can you get an entity in Uganda which runs the political arena and the cultural arena at the same time? Look "Separation of democratic politics from cultural politics should be emphasized even if both kinds of politics will at one point or the other get intertwined" So am I to understand that the intertwining of Buganda cultural and political matters have tought us nothing so far, or it is me on dope? And how do you separate regional and national politics by law, "By law" yet at times it will be intertwined?
Are we talking about federalism here or feudalism?
It is such nonsense that has become Museveni's daily food bank, for on such suggestions he plans a round table to make Districts make a workable  setting. It is these same brains that are today jumping with hoofs for Museveni wants to discuss the opening up of party politics. When will you ever learn Ugandans?
For the record districts sit on a table to discuss how to use their resources if Federalism is introduced. Uganda's districts have no resources what so ever, everything has been grandly looted to the extent that even Kilembe mines has been closed. The entire north has been shut down for ages. More than half of Buganda's land has been sold to the Boers. What is it that is going to be put on the table to negotiate with? What we need in uganda is leadership, we need a government, we need to start, we need to put our people back in homes.
And Zakoomu is a classic example of how much Federalists hate Northern Uganda and Northerners, for there is no way any body with a brain of a pea size, can decide to make Northern Uganda a federal State today. These are people who have been destroyed by their government, it has been a government policy to destroy the North, these people have not slept in homes for 20 years, and the only way North can get on their feet both financially and psychologically is by being up lifted by the rest of the entire nation. it is sad that the federalists want to abandon Northern Uganda to its own. But hey what do you expect from a bunch of people who have a philosophy based on miss information and disinformation, being fade on a society of the Zakoomu's who are un critical thinkers?
It sucks trust me. And we might be quite but we are watching, be ware.
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Kabaka to Meet Sudan Elders Over LRA Rebels

You've got a nice point here with your question:  What is the best strategy for bringing about federalism in Uganda?  Below are my contributions towards an answer.
1st. getting all districts under "regions" together at the round table and discuss their union and how they are going to make things work in their union.
2nd. getting regions (Busoga, Bunyoro, Acholi, Lango, W.Nile, Ankole, Tooro, Kigezi, etc) to form workable settings of their governing administrations (democratic & cultural) within and around.
3rd. getting all regions together on the national table to discuss key issues of the federation.  I refer you to the website for farther information.
4th. Democratic mult-partism in all regional states should be formed.  Political parties should form branches in every region they want political participation in.  Thus, DP-Bunyoro branches, CP-Acholi branches, NRM-O Busoga branches, etc... 
5th.  Political parties should contest in regional politics (democratic) and traditional / cultural posts should be left to be set through traditional customs and norms. 
The separation of democratic politics from cultural politics should emphasized even if both kinds of politics will at one point or the other get intertwined, They'll have to be separated, written in the law of the land.
6th.  Regional politics should be separated from National politics by the law of the land, even if at one point or the other they'll get intertwined, we'll have to separate them.  This is the avoid what some people called Buganda politics affecting National politics.  This time around things have to be separated by the law.
Continues next time....  I'm waiting for your contributions.
Zakoomu R.

Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now, I do happen to have expressed in various fora the view that I see a
lot of merit in federalism. So, really, you're not telling me anything new.

The crucial question is, what is the best strategy for bringing about
federalism in Uganda?


BTW, the bad news for those who are so obsessed with limiting Buganda's
role in Ugandan politics, federalism may not be the magic wand they
seek. In any case, I don't see how Buganda's demographic and geographic
preponderance in national politics will go away under federalism. For the
foreseeable future, (whether under a federal or unitary government) the
Baganda will remain the single most populous nationality in Uganda. That
reality will continue to be reflected in Uganda's political and cultural life.

And I'd really really appreciate it if you took the tim e to spell my name

At 07:34 PM 1/24/2004 -0800, you wrote:

>Lasanga: You wrote below,
>"It's just that demographically and geographically Buganda looms large in
>our politics."
>Have you ever thought of how to put a balance to the demographic dominance
>of Buganda in Uganda politics?? My resolution to this demographic
>dominance is FEDERALISM to all regions of Uganda. What do you think, Lasanga??
>Have you ever thought of how to put a balance to the geographic dominance
>of Buganda in Ugandan politics?? FEDERALISM is the solution. With each
>region holding power to decide its future, geographic dominance's impact
>will be reduced. Equal federal representation on the talking table will
>over look geographic dominance.
>What has caused this demographic and geographic dominance of Buganda in
>our politics?? Unitarism is the driving force behind this
>unfairness. Unitarism centralizes most of gov't resources towards its
>center (Buganda). We should not blame Buganda for Uganda's bloody past,
>we should put the blame on our gov'ts that have over and over again
>refused a federal arrangement for Uganda. Federalism will make sure that
>even if one region (Buganda) is wooed by false leaders like Obote and
>Museveni, the rest of the federation (Acholi, Lango, Bunyoro, Tooro,
>Ankole, Busoga, Kigezi, etc...) are not affected to the maximum they were
>when these false leaders make/made their woo-wooings.
>Zakoomu R.

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