
do not worry ! I'm sure the Kabaka and Baganda are not that desperate. They are aware of these 'air' offers and I can assure you that they are not falling for them again.


From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] UPC on Federalism
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 16:32:52 -0500

Ladys and Gentlemen on this forum i hope you are reading apparently from the horses mouth, how the UPC is strategizing through the Kabaka to some how take power;

The Kabaka wants his "Thing"..so to say... if the NRM offers it to him
NRM is finish... if NRM does NOT offer it to him NRM is still finish. so
either way NRM is finishing... it is a what we call in Political Science game
theory as a ....NO WIN SITUATION!!!!!

Don't you smell the 60's and 80's all over again. Everything is now falling in place now. I now see Mateks/UPCs plan clearly. Apparently these guys are working on the principle that Buganda is gullible through the Kabaka and that Kabaka and Baganda are addictated to federalism, so in there general scheme of things they figure, if the Kabaka is tricked again (60's part) and offered federalism all Buganda would follow him to whoever offered it. Apparently they know the government can't offer all that Buganda is demanding and as Matek points out they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, but here is the UPC deception which Matek conviniently left out but which all the same is implied;

APPARENTLY THE UPC IS OFFERING NOT "BYOYA BYA NSWA" BUT WORSE "MPEWO" TO KABAKA AND BAGANDA W.R.T FEDERALISM. Here is how Matek/UPC have it planned; Make an offer to the Kabaka for federalism (federo), obviously they expect Kabaka and Baganda (the ones Matek calls Bakopi) to take the bait (like in the 60's), but here is the catch, it is just an offer (just words). Then subsequently when they get to power, they'd show up one day at the Kabaka's Palace gates with tanks and soldiers and say SURPRISE WE WERE KIDDING, shut up or get out. Does the plot sound familar...you guessed it they are planning to replay history and that is MATEKS SCRET GRAND POLITICAL SCHEME WHICH HE LEARNT AT SOME UNIVERSITY AND WHICH HE HAS BEEN PRACTISING ON A CHESS BOARD. THANK YOU MATEK FOR THE INFO AND TO ALL UGANDANS ON THIS FORUM, GET READY 'COS THE 60's ARE BACK AND IF THE 60'S CAN COME BACK THE 80'S AREN'T FAR BEHIND YOU BETTER START PLANNING. GOOD NIGHT ALL.

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: [FedsNet] UPC on Federalism
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 15:10:36 EST

In a message dated 2/22/2004 2:52:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> For one you exposed
> your hand prematurely before finding out what government was or was not
> offering to Buganda w.r.t Federalism, now the government has a start on you.
> That apart, trust me Matek, not many Baganda will folow the Kabaka back to
> Obote's UPC, should the Kabaka take that route. He will basically be on his
> own on that one.


The Kabaka wants his "Thing"..so to say... if the NRM offers it to him
NRM is finish... if NRM does NOT offer it to him NRM is still finish. so
either way NRM is finishing... it is a what we call in Political Science game
theory as a ....NO WIN SITUATION!!!!!

Good day my my friend!!


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