From the 1962 Constitution:
(1) Uganda consists of Federal States, Districts and the territory of Busoga.

(2) The Federal States are the Kingdom of Buganda, the Kingdom of Ankole, the Kingdom of Bunyoro, the Kingdom of Toro and the territory of Busoga.

(3) The Districts are the Districts of Acholi, Bugisu, Bukedi, Karamoja, Kigezi, Lango, Madi, Sebei, Teso and West Nile
2004 Fedsnet's 13 States model for an 'all-inclusive' Federal system
  • Acholi
  • Ankole
  • Buganda
  • Bugisu/Sebei
  • Bukedi
  • Bunyoro
  • Busoga
  • Karamoja
  • Kigezi
  • Lango
  • Teso
  • Toro
  • West Nile

FN  Lugemwa

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