Ochan Otim
I moved on, but there are times I look back on the track to see if all
are moving forward with me, I have to go back and help them move along
too, assuming they haven't fallen down the rock face.

-----Original Message-----
Of Ochan Otim
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 9:08 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kony_M7 bedfellows, RE: Sunday Vision: Depopulate
Acholiland, orders Kony

Ed, not you again relapsing!  I though you moved up permanently a notch
the last two years.  I was beginning to believe you.


At 08:42 PM 3/4/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>Emmanuel Musazi
>Some of these guys are immovable in one gear - reverse mode.  They are
>stuck. Kawenkene; or nothing.
>You can easily get blood out of a stone but pumping sense, good luck!
>-----Original Message-----
>Of emmanuel musaazi
>Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 7:46 PM
>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kony_M7 bedfellows, RE: Sunday Vision: Depopulate
>Acholiland, orders Kony
>Look Ochan, are you illiterate. I have already said (please read my
>CAREFULLY, this is the problem with people of your ilk, you see things
>one dimension, a one way train gone amok), i have not denied that there
>crimes comitted by NRA soldiers, indeed even the president admitted to
>fact, but again as i stated earlier, these erring soldiers were dealt
>with...and i also said that this was in stack contrast to what your
>Obote (whos crimes don't seem to register on your radar screen, i guess
>you every northerner is rightous), did to my people in the south where
>it is
>also clearly documented that well over 300, 000 human beings perished
>http://www.hrw.org/press/2003/07/torturers072103-bck.htm). HE IS LISTED
>EX-DICTATORS/KILLERS OF THE LAST CENTURY. The evidence on Obote and his
>crimes pales in contrast to the half-truths you posted against our
>President, most of which was dealt with (again most erring soldiers
>dealt with).
>Has Obote ever criticized his lawless soldiers and tribes men for the
>atrocities they committed in the south? no. Did he ever try to solve
>problem? no. Has Obote ever apologized for horrendous crimes that
>occured on
>his watch (most of which he sanctioned)? no. On the other hand did
>Museveni acknowledge that there were some criminal elements within the
>of NRA (and for that matter UPDF)? yes, did he take steps to solve the
>problem? yes (again erring soldiers were tried and punished). Has
>Museveni ever apologized for some of the mis-adventures of govenment
>soldiers? yes, he has even apologized to people of the north for
>perpetuated on them by one of there own (Kony). Further more President
>Museveni is leading from the front, he is right now as we communicate
>north, seeing to the safety of notherners. I don't even think Obote
>visited luwero, to sympathize with the bereaved at the time. Instead he
>sent more soldiers to kill.
>Mr. Ochan you have got to realise that we have our "people" too (it
>that is the kind of language you understand). Here is my argument with
>fellows, i'll lay it out for you in very simple  terms; to you
>(and this is my recent observation, initially i never viewed this as a
>north/south problem), Obote never did anything wrong throghout his
>power (yet there is clear evidence at home and abroad to the contrary),
>we as southerners express our obviously bad experience with Obote, you
>northerners see us as liers, you show no empathy whatsoever, yet you
>northerners want us to view our president Museveni (a southerner) as
>worst of the worst because of the conflict in the north, even though it
>clear that Kony (a northerner) is responsible for most of the killing.
>accuse us (southerners) of not showing enough concern and empathy. My
>response is this, i also care very much about my "poeple" and i also
>that they deserve justice just as much as your "people" do, if you
>acknowledge my claim for justice for my people then don't bother asking
>about yours. I'm sorry i have to put it that plainly but to me that is
>stack reality. I am not one to beat about the bush, i see things as
>and say it as i see it. So don't bother playing games with me, i see it
>and i'll continue callig it as it is...and don't bother bringing up
>like "enjoy the blood of my people" with me, it just shows me how naive
> >From: Ochan Otim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kony_M7 bedfellows, RE: Sunday Vision:
> >Acholiland, orders Kony
> >Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 17:00:23 -0800
> >
> >You cannot answer the question, is that true Bwana Emmanuel Musaazi?
> >
> >Again, here it is incase you missed it:  provide alternative evidence
> >[documented proofs: authors, publication, date, page numbers] to the
> >contrary.
> >
> >Enjoy the blood of my people.
> >
> >Ochan Otim
> >
> >
> >At 04:33 PM 3/4/2004 -0500, you wrote:
> >>Mr. Ochan, what about Luwero, pandagari and all the other atrocities
> >>committed by Obote and UPC, eehh!!!, those people who were killed in
> >>south by Obote were not your "people" so you don't give a damn. It's
> >>when a northerner dies that you know about your "people". You guys
>have to
> >>realise you are not dealing with foolish people, now you are
> >>you care about your "people" and their "blood" if you care so much
> >>them why don't you join the crusade to stop Kony...oh....i'm sorry i
> >>forgot....Kony is your "brother" so it is okay for him to kill your
> >>"people".
> >>
> >>>From: Ochan Otim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Kony_M7 bedfellows, RE: Sunday Vision:
> >>>Acholiland, orders Kony
> >>>Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 09:07:45 -0800
> >>>
> >>>Bwana Emmanuel Musaazi:
> >>>
> >>>Since you have failed to prove that the quoted sources are
> >>>essentially meaning the contents of the sources are accurate - here
>is a
> >>>question for you to answer: "....feel free to provide alternative
> >>>evidence [documented proof: authors, publication, date, page
> >>>
> >>>Failure to do so will simply put in the same category of others we
> >>>seen here since 1996.  Unless you do so, the "nonsense" will
> >>>belong to you.
> >>>
> >>>Enjoy the blood of my people.
> >>>
> >>>Ochan Otim
> >>>
> >>>At 09:21 AM 3/4/2004 -0500, you wrote:
> >>>>Nonsense, your postings below are mainly based on writings from
> >>>>supporters. No one doubts the at the tail end of the reberation
> >>>>some indisciplined NRA soldiers may have been over taken by
> >>>>commited some crimes, indeed the President accepted that fact and
> >>>>conviniently left out the fact that most of the offending soldiers
> >>>>prosecuted, those that were found guilty were either imprisoned or
> >>>>executed. This is in stack contrast to the UNLA under Obote, where
> >>>>soldiers killed, raped, stole at random and in broad day light and
> >>>>nothing got done about it. Secondly, UNLA is responsible for the
> >>>>of hundreds and thousands of innocent people in Uganda, NRA never
> >>>>came close to that, as i said most of the crimes commited by NRA
> >>>>soldiers were prosecuted and erring soldiers punished. All you
> >>>>posted below, still does not answer you and your party's (UPC)
> >>>>allegation that Kony is part and parcel of UPDF, you are just
> >>>>usual) to divert attention from the main issue which is your
> >>>>that Kony and LRA are state sponsored by the government of Uganda.
> >>>>Ochan unless you can show me evidence to that effect, all your
> >>>>communications are basically null and void and of no consequence.
> >>>>US THE LINK BETWEEN LRA AND GOVERNMENT. Thirdly, as far as i'm
> >>>>there is no way anybody can justify what Kony and LRA are doing to
> >>>>innocent people in the north. If your argument is that it is okay
> >>>>northerners to lose there lives to Kony because NRA did x,y,z 14
> >>>>ago then you are as guilty as Kony and the LRA for the crimes that
> >>>>are perpetuating on northerners. Mr. Ochan, Kony is a northerner
> >>>>northerners and devastating the north, now how can that be good
> >>>>north. Further more is your hatred of President Museveni so much
> >>>>you are ready to openly endorse and support a person like Kony (a
> >>>>northerner), killing northerners and destroying the north? just to
> >>>>one back on the President. I'm sorry i don't get it.
> >>>>
> >>>>>From: Ochan Otim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>>>Subject: ugnet_: Kony_M7 bedfellows, RE: Sunday Vision:
> >>>>>Acholiland,  orders Kony
> >>>>>Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 13:21:44 -0800
> >>>>>
> >>>>>To Bwana Emmanuel Musaazi and others:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>This letter written by Ogenga Otunnu to Bwana Matovu a while ago
> >>>>>Ugandanet might explain this so-called pronouncement by Kony.  To
> >>>>>best of my knowledge, Bwana Matovu did not answer.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Ochan Otim
> >>>>>Brother Lutimba Matovu,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Here is a tentative response to your request for evidence that
> >>>>>Prof. Ocan's observation.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Ocan's observation focuses on three closely related issues: 1).
> >>>>>museveni and Kony are bed fellows. There are many ways of
> >>>>>this issue. I will suggest only one:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>According to existing evidence, both men abducted, murdered and
> >>>>>terrorized innocent people in their respective wars. Since there
> >>>>>numerous reports about the activities of Kony, I will provide a
> >>>>>evidence about Museveni's (I can also provide similar ones on
> >>>>>Terror and massacres of Muslims in Ankole in June 1979 (Uganda
> >>>>>Government, Report of the Commission of Inquiry into Violations
> >>>>>Human Rights:31). b). Abductions and assassinations of civilians
> >>>>>for a start, Amnesty International, Uganda (August 1981;1); AI,
> >>>>>Six Years After Amin; Muwanga and Gombya, The Pearl of Africa is
> >>>>>Bleeding).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>c). Attacks on civilian vehicles (See Africa Research Bulletin
> >>>>>1-31, 1981: 6289BC). d). Massacres of civilians, while disguised
> >>>>>soldiers (Lance-Sera Muwanga, Violence in Uganda: What is Inside
> >>>>>Museveni's Uganda; Muwanga and Gombya, The Pearl of Africa is
> >>>>>See also what Kayira reported after a meeting with Museveni at
> >>>>>command post in Luwero:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>"There were no less than 50 heads at a quick count. We found
> >>>>>and the NRA soldiers inside the ring of human heads. He told us
> >>>>>pointing at the heads: 'You see those heads? That is how I deal
> >>>>>those who do not agree with me'" Cited in The Pearl of Africa is
> >>>>>Bleeding. .e) Abductions and kidnapping (See "Uganda: The Fall of
> >>>>>President Obote," Africa Confidential (I think, 1985)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>For similar acts of terror and atrocities since he seized power,
> >>>>>Ogenga Otunnu, "An Historical Analysis of the Invasion of
> >>>>>Adelman and Suhrke, eds, The Path of a Genocide; Otunnu, "The
> >>>>>Genocide in Northern Uganda," Refuge, 17, 3 (1998); Uganda Law
> >>>>>Matters of Concern to Uganda Law Society (1990); AI, Deaths in
> >>>>>Countryside: Killings of Civilians by the Army (1990); AI. The
> >>>>>to Safeguard Human Rights (1992);  Acholi Religious Leaders, Let
> >>>>>People Go (2001). See also Museveni's address to Langi and Acholi
> >>>>>and elders New Vision, March 28, 1994. In his address, he
> >>>>>pointed out that "Sometimes, our own indisciplined soldiers took
> >>>>>advantage of the breakdown of law and order caused by the
> >>>>>committed atrocities against the civilian population... Mass
> >>>>>other atrocities are also mentioned in The New Vision, 29/1/1988;
> >>>>>22/2/1988, etc.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>2). That Kony was created by Museveni. It is important to examine
> >>>>>following: When the war of pacification/genocide started and
> >>>>>that promoted and sustained the war. a). According to the
> >>>>>the first wave of massacres, mass rapes and instability in Acholi
> >>>>>the work of FEDEMU (35th Batallion of NRA). However, FEDEMU
> >>>>>that those atrocities were committed by NRA-proper. They further
> >>>>>insisted that those who committed the atrocities were carrying
> >>>>>President Museveni's order (See, for example, Otunnu, The Path of
> >>>>>Genocide). When Dr. Kayira learnt of the atrocities, he
> >>>>>ex-FEDEMU soldiers to provide arms to the Acholi to defend
> >>>>>from the genocide. Subsequently, Kayira and two other prominent
> >>>>>were arrested.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Here are a few examples of some of the atrocities that forced
> >>>>>who had accepted Museveni's rule in Acholi, to rebel:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>16/8/1986: the 35th batallion killed 32 innocent people in
> >>>>>Over 100 homesteads were burnt down (names and occupation
> >>>>>See Amnesty
> >>>>>
> >>>>>International Report, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>18/8/1986: the 13th batallion, stationed at Akilok, killed 18
> >>>>>civilians. Some of the civilians were burnt alive in their homes
> >>>>>also AI reports above).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>20/9/1986: the 7th batallion, stationed at Oryang, Labongo,
> >>>>>unarmed civilians. Many men and women were also raped (see AI
> >>>>>reports by Acholi Parliamentary Group; Report of the Committee on
> >>>>>Defence and Internal Affairs on The war in Northern Uganda).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>A few example from Gulu
> >>>>>
> >>>>>April 1986: 55th batallion arrived at Purongo (Nwoya county) and
> >>>>>462 heads of cattle from the farm of the late Erinayo Oryema
> >>>>>General of Police). In addition, Oryema's widow, Janet, was
> >>>>>hand over farm (see report by Verona Fathers to AI)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>April 1986: the same batallion took 600 boran cattle from the
> >>>>>Y.Y. Ongom of Agung. 8 farm workers were burried alive in a
> >>>>>(see various AI reports on how widespread this form of genocide
> >>>>>been in Acholi).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>June 1986: 1200 heads of cattle were taken by NRA from the farm
> >>>>>Tosiya Otim of Luke clan, Odek county. His son Kitara and 20 farm
> >>>>>workers were killed in cold blood (The government denied that it
> >>>>>involved in removing food and wealth/cattle. However, when human
> >>>>>groups presented evidence to the contrary, the government
> >>>>>responsibility for its behaviour).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>It was this act of genocide which turned the people against the
> >>>>>Museveni regime. This explains how Museveni 'created' Kony.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>3). Why the genocidal war persists:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I will provide only two examples: a). The war has become a good
> >>>>>business for high-ranking soldiers. Some of the soldiers are
> >>>>>relatives.
> >>>>>President Museveni had this to say on the subject: "It is true
> >>>>>the past army officers were doing business out of the suffering
> >>>>>people of Acholi and they did not want it [the war] to end." (See
> >>>>>Vision, Nov. 29, 1996). What Museveni refused to reveal was that
> >>>>>war has remained a very good business for some of his relatives
> >>>>>high-ranking officers. What is taking place in the DRC is,
> >>>>>not new.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>b). Rejection of the peace efforts. When the international
> >>>>>exerted pressure on the regime to negotiate with the rebels, it
> >>>>>reluctantly agreed. However, when Betty Bigombe and Kony had
>reached a
> >>>>>settlement to the conflict, Museveni wrecked the deal by order
> >>>>>to surrender within a week (See, for example, New Vision, Feb.
> >>>>>1994: 1-2). Museveni's attitude toward negotiated settlements has
> >>>>>changed.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Does the view of one of the leading Ugandan journalists, Kevin
> >>>>>explain why some Ugandans are reluctant to see the genocide in
> >>>>>Here is what he observed during the "photo" crisis (it is a long
> >>>>>citation because it is important):
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I particularly understand the dilemma of some ordinary Ugandans
> >>>>>after many years of torture and oppression, don't want to believe
> >>>>>the UPDF...could even dream of such atrocities against any
> >>>>>Ugandans are victims of self-denial and its associated symptoms.
> >>>>>their subconscious... they know the UPDF, like previous armies,
> >>>>>capable of all and worse.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Kevin further observed that:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I was like such Ugandans. There were times when I would never
> >>>>>the UPDF would hurt a fly. I dismissed the Bur Coro incident (in
> >>>>>innocent human beings were burried and smoked in a pit)as an
> >>>>>case of indiscipline.'
> >>>>>
> >>>>>He concluded by reflecting on the conspiracy of silence about the
> >>>>>genocide:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Deep inside, we [journalists] were also afraid. Afraid of the
> >>>>>consequences of publishing anything that may be deemed by the
> >>>>>that be as 'damaging to the inage' of Museveni's sacred cow, the
> >>>>>(now UPDF). Hundreds of other incidents came and went, most
> >>>>>(Monitor, May 18, 1999: 13).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Matovu, feel free to provide alternative evidence. Keep well,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Ogenga Otunnu
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
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> >>>Ochan Otim
> >>>NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop
> >>>Northern Uganda carnage at:
> >>>http://www.petitiononline.com/savacoli/petition.html
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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> >Ochan Otim
> >NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop
> >Northern Uganda carnage at:
> >http://www.petitiononline.com/savacoli/petition.html
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Ochan Otim
NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the 
Northern Uganda carnage 
at:  http://www.petitiononline.com/savacoli/petition.html 

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