Praises be to Allah!  I'm not trying to extract anything from you.  All I did was to ask you questions and definately you failed them.  What's there to extract??  How can someone extract something from you that you don't have??  You have already proved to be unconstructive!  There is nothing else to extract.  Don't make me laugh.

Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mwatu Rehema,could you really tell me what it is you are trying to
extract from me?
Everybody has a choice on what they need to contribute to and not to
contribute to and there need not be any critical thinking about or on it.
As regards the Federal cause,visit the website and you'll get awash with
my contributions on it and as per my nature I do not subscribe to regurgitations which is apparent is what you are trying to drive me to.
Please spare me your opinions on this and discuss with those who are critical thinkers as per your definitions.
Thank you.
Alah'hamdi lillah!.

Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yeah, rest your brain cells!  Unconstructive criticizm always ends this way!  Let those who can think, scratch their brains out and figure this one out.  This is not about my opinion about you, but people of your character (unconstructive critics) on such a subject!

Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rehema,as for me and my mind/brain,I rested my case
and for that matter I grant you your opinion about
me.Wallow in it and Allah's will, will done.
Have a nice day.
--- Rehema Mukooza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: >
> Come on, man! Be a critical thinker. Think of some
> ways to solve or ways that may work better than what
> Lugemwa offered concerning the federating of Bugisu
> and Sebei or Bukedi. You are a classical example of
> unconstructive criticizm! How bad can things get?!
> Criticizing and yet you can not come up with a
> better solution, tells me that indeed you don't
> under the unitary system to its fullest nor
> federalism.
> Giving up when the thinking got tough on you, is not
> the easy way out. Challenge Lugemwa and show us
> your plans and ideas for the issues at hand. Make
> use of the same brain cells you used to question
> Lugemwa's proposal. I wonder how someone can point
> out a "problem" and yet he (you) can not manipulate
> that same problem for a solution. You see, that is
> the difference between knowledge and wisdom!
> Oh Allah, how I was waiting for your solution to
> come. And I'm still waiting. I stick to Lugemwa's
> proposal, so you know where my support lies.
> Zakoomu R.
> Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> According to Professor Lugemwa one has to be able to
> recognise
> one's baby and from that statement,that was very
> pregnant with
> meaning I rested my case.
> You are at liberty to continue proposing whatever
> units/names you
> wish to ignoring the subtle idiosyncrasies embedded
> in those units
> at the your own peril.
> Thank you and have more wonderful discussions ahead.
> Thank you.
> Kipenji.
> jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Mr. Kipenji,
> according to the UPC map (which I think has also
> been adopted by the NRM),
> Buganda does not appear as an entity. This has not
> stopped federalists from
> proposing Buganda as one of the federal states.
> If you have a problem with the proposal concerning
> Bugisu, Sebei or Bukedi,
> why don't you propose an alternative ? We are all
> ears.
> Kasangwawo
> >From: Owor Kipenji
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: 1962 unworkable arrangement!
> >Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 13:25:34 +0000 (GMT)
> >
> >So this time around,you did that very extensive
> consultations and
> >yo!,you discovered that Bugisu and Sebei for
> example can work
> >together or better still Bukedi which you refer to
> and yet that entity
> >never exists anymore???.
> >Th e taste of the pudding is in the eating and so I
> will keep my ears
> >to the ground.
> >Thank you.
> >Kipenji.

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