Mr. Matek,

My reference was to Mr. Ibingira  -- a formar Secretary General, Legal Advisor, Minister of Justice, Minister of State of the UPC until he was unceremoniously arrested and detained without trial for about 5 years by your saint, Obote -- was merely to point to an insider's  view as to how Obote used coersion and unleashed brutality on Uganda's populace using the police, army and other security forces.

Mr. Ibingira gives a very detailed account of just how Obote's insatiable hunger for power -- as illustrated by his favorite quote: it is better to lead in hell than to serve in heaven -- threw Uganda into the chaos that is costing lives in Uganda today, including your home area in Northern Uganda. (btw: do you the original author of that quote?)

If you have another version of events, by all means let us hear it, assuming you have no aversion to the plain truth. If you have any bones to pick, do it with Mr. Ibingira's book. I did not write it for him: I merely reported what one UPC senior insider say UPC works.

Can you refute the statement I made that: "Lets not forget that beating, harrassing, imprisoning and even killing  political opponents, real or imagined,  were introduced to independent Uganda by one Milton Obote and his party, the UPC -- as was the involving of security forces (police &army) in politics, as well as politicizing the civil service."?


----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: ugnet_: We Were Beaten By State House - Ruzindana
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 13:50:14 EST
In a message dated 3/12/2004 1:04:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,



> Lets not forget that beating, harrassing, imprisoning and even killing
> political opponents, real or imagined,  were introduced to independent Uganda by
> one Milton Obote and his party, the UPC -- as was the involving of security
> forces (police &army) in politics, as well as politicizing the civil service.
>  Refer to Grace Ibingira's account of the Nakulabye Massacres.
Hey Ssemakula:
Continue with your bull crap moaning and whimpering  with your Ibingira
thing!   at the end of it all you will still be moaning over there in New York (or
where ever you are  hold up in your little  cocoon) meanwhile the days of your
man Yowesweri Kaguta ( the gun man) is Numbered.  Like in a chess game, soon
Kaguta will have no choice..but to make the only single move, he must make...
and then  his ASS WILL BE UP!!!
"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the pe
ople from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It
thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to
repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by
extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."
- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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