Mr. Lupa-Lasaga, your so called humanist ideology is to say the list outrageous. How can you equate negligence, corruption and/or incompetence in the execution of a war to genocide. You should be the only person in the whole wide world who holds such a deameaning outlook on the term genocide. So to your reasoning America and Britain are commiting genocide in Iraq, because they are also finding it difficult puting down a rag-tag band of insurgents, as a result, thousands of Iraqi civilians are loosing there lives. Again according to your reasoning Britain was guilty of genocide in northern Island, because again the almighty royal British army could not defeat a rag-tag band of IRA insurgents and as a result thousands of innocent people died. Of course to you Isreal is guilty of genocide as well....Spain is guilty of genocide because they haven't been able to silence the Basque seperates as a result of that conflict, thousands have died in that region...Russia in Chechniya etc. Vukoni, it seems your self-styled, watered down descritption of genocide has been carefully crafted to fit the the Ugandan situation.

...about Father Rodriguez, i am challenging you since you say you are a humanist to go to Iraq and once you are there secretly (without the knowledge) of the occupying powers establish contact with the insurgents (including those who did the beheading), in the name of peace, now if you are caught in the process, by the occupying powers see whether you won't be arrested and/or kicked out of the country. I don't give a damn who the Father is or what goodwill he has, the fact of the matter is that he has no power to carry out any activities with the LRA terrorists without the knowledge of the government of Uganda. You even contradict yourself when you say on one hand that the government of Uganda is responsible for the security of it's citizens (which no one disagrees with) and then you on the other hand support someone (a foreigner for that matter) going behind the government of Uganda and establishing contacts with a terrorist group. Now any government which allows foreigners (whoever they maybe) to go around making contacts with known terrorist without the government knowing about it, should obviously be guilty of dereliction of it's duty of protecting it's citizens. Besides are you saying that ARPI cannot negotiate peace without Father Rodriguez? once the "bazungu" fathers live the ranks of the ARPI, peaceful resolutions are impossible.....only "bazungu" fathers have so much love for the people of Acholi to the point of "matyrdom"....give me a break. Where were all the bazungu fathers when tutsis were being massacred in Rwanda?, that was a great chance opportunity for genuine matyrdom.....maybe they are now suffering from guilty conscince....they are now seeking redemption...that is there own bussiness, we Ugandans should learn to solve our own problems. People like father Rodriguez only complicate can you attempt to force peace...that's nonsense.

Mr. Lupa-Lasaga you need to appreciate that there are two sides to a negotiation. You surely don't expect the government to negotiate with itself....what do you expect government to do in the interim?...fold her arms and watch the killers kill in the name of government being peaceful?. Obviously government needs to do more to protect her citizens in the trouble areas, but let's be sincere, no amount of protection will be perfect unless the LRA is completely stopped either through force, sincerely peaceful negotiations or combination or both. It doesn't help when the rebels are sent conflicting messages from the other some on this forum openly acting as cheer leaders for the terrorists, justifying there murderous activities, urging them on and then turning around advocating peace talks. The best remedy for stoping this conflict is for all stakeholders in the Ugandan body politic coming out with one voice of condemnation of the terrorists and then putting politics aside and working with government to stop the terrorists. NO SOLUTION WILL WORK WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT BEING A PART OF IT. It doesn't matter what option is taken as long as it is unanimously accepted by all. The problem in Uganda (and indeed in Africa) is the notion that once you are in opposition you should COMPLETELY have nothing to do with the government of the should NEVER EVER EVER agree or work with them...that perception is wrong. There are times when politics needs to be put aside for the sake of the nation or national interest and i think the northern tragedy is one of those times.

Finally you characterize my immediate former posting as "verbiage" but you will accept that it is factual verbiage. Cheers.

From: Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Acholi clergy defends fr. Rodriguez
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 19:08:53 -0500

Bwana Musaazi,

Once again, with so much verbiage you have deftly sidestepped the real

But I'll revisit them anyway.

1. The government of Uganda has the responsibility of protecting the
property and lives of all Ugandans from both internal and external
threats.  By commission and omission, Yoweri Museveni's administration
has done a terrible job of it in Acholiland.  This fact isn't altered,
regardless of whether there is local support for the LRA or not and
whether Sudan or any other foreign country is supporting the LRA or
not.  All your arguments in this regard amount to little more than lame

2. It is curious that to you, southern elements have to be present in
the LRA for us to characterize the outcome of the armed conflict in
Acholiland as genocidal.  I beg to differ.  Incompetence, corruption,
and dereliction of duty by UPDF officers (including Yoweri Museveni) and
rank and file largely accounts for the continued existence of Joseph
Kony (who by all reckoning is a psychopath with no credible political
agenda).  Nearly every one of the commanding officers posted to Gulu,
Kitgum, and Lira, to help fight armed rebellion, has profiteered from
the war rather than stop it. This includes Salim Saleh, Tinyefuza, and
Wasswa.  Follow the money, if you think I'm lying or playing politics,
as you cheaply shot.

3.  The Yoweri Museveni administration has two real junctures for ending
the suffering in Acholi.  Either to defeat the LRA militarily (which it
has failed) or to pursue less violent options.

4. You still haven't quoted for me any Ugandan law that penalizes an
attempt to broker peace. If such laws exist, I have already said that we
should have it repealed.  Contrary to your assertion, I think all
Ugandans and friends of Uganda are bound by duty, conscience, and human
decency to contribute toward seeking an end to the suffering of more
than one million Ugandans, whose tragic fate is a reflection of
monumental failure of government.  For state functionaries and toadies
to hide behind real or imagined laws in an attempt to monopolize
genocidal incompetence is mind-boggling.

5. One doesn't have to have a political agenda to point these things
out.  Personally, I carry water for no one.  I speak as a journalist and
concerned Ugandan, African, and humanist.  Many people, including
myself, have condemned and will continue to condemn the savagery of
Joseph Kony and the LRA.  We have also condemned and will continue to
condemn criminal negligence by civilians and soldiers in the Museveni
administration that have directly or indirectly led to unnecessary loss
of life in northern Uganda and elsewhere in the course of war. Are there
those who try to make political hay out of Museveni's and the UPDF's
abject failure to defeat a ragtag group of brigands?  You bet.  That's
in the nature of politics.  I recognize it although I don't play it.
Does that fact (i.e. political hay-making) eliminate the necessity to
speak out?  Of course not.

6. All this noise Movement apologists and propagandists make about Fr.
Rodriguez is just a diversion.  Somebody, Ugandan or not, has to put
their life on the line, to do the risky job of pursuing alternatives to
the government's failed approach.  This job is truly dangerous and I'm
sure those who undertake the role of mediators are well aware that they
will meet hostility from both Kony/LRA and UPDF/Museveni, who share the
unsavory reputation of treachery in the face of peace.


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