Netters, if you recall some months back when Kony/LRA were having a field day killing civillians in Acholi, Lango and Teso (apparently they seemed to have the upper hand), their cheer leaders on this forum were glutting the network with postings of the progress of the on-slaught. They were in celebratory mood. These LRA/Kony supporters were even rationalizing what Kony/LRA was doing, at the time they had no doubt whatsoever that Kony/LRA existed. NOW THE TABLES ARE TURNED AND KONY/LRA ARE ON THE BRINK OF DEFEAT AND SUDDENLY, NOW THEY ARE SINGING A NEW SONG. THEIR NEW SONG IS "OH KONY/LRA DON'T EXIST, IT'S JUST THE GOVERNMENT PLAYING GAMES". THESE PEOPLE ARE JUST LIARS AND CON ARTISTS THEY HAVE NOTHING CONSTRUCTIVE OR PRODUCTIVE TO CONTRIBUTE TO UGANDA. THEY ARE POLITICAL CHAMELEONS, CHANGING WITH THE ENVIRONMENT. What amaizes me though is their belief that they can say one thing today and another tomorrow and expect no one to pick it up.....either they are very forgetfull, stupid or disrespectful to the membership of this internet group or all the above...

From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: GENERAL  "KONY"
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 20:16:30 +0100 (BST)

They say,every closed system left to itself,collapses under its' own
The conspiracy that appears to have existed between UPDF and this
Kony animal appears to have plateaued out and now they are busy
reporting to us how much they are in constant touch with each other
and yet whenence the UPDF feels some areas need to be depolulated
they get in and do their jobs and start crying out as Kony has attacked
and ransacked the area.
18 years of fundamental changes in Uganda looks laughable if what
Maj Shaban Bantariza says is to be believed and yet Kony is relaxing
somewhere and being bankrolled by may be State house.
The symbiotic relationship that exists between these two supposed foes is the reason why the insurgency can only end when Mu7 is not in the picture.Not because Kony represents opposition to Mu7 but rather because no one will continue to bankroll him when Mu7 is out of the picture.
Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr Kipenji

Maybe an example to trivalise the recent army promotions by showing that 'Kony' has also promoted his 'terrorists' ( therefore we are safer with the UPDF promotions).

It is ALWAYS the UPDF spokeman who announces 'Kony' intentions, actions etc.

BTW on 5 May 04 the New Vision reported that 'Otti' had called its offices. At the same time Kayanja agreed that he is "in constant contact with Otti".
So if they have the technology to intercept radio calls, why can't they pinpoint where 'Otti' is, from his mobile (by simply asking the mobile provider) and arrest him ?


Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Could there be some relations to the promotions in the UPDF
which from the looks of it is like a list of who is from which part of
Ankole,that is being downplayed by stating Kony's promotions?
Why would the UPDF spokesperson be the one to announce this?
Is UPDF by inference in cohorts with Kony to promote their hidden
I find this piece very disturbing to say the least.

Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1. It was reported late last month that "Vincent Otti" had been injured in Uganda and he had crossed back to Sudan to be treated . At that time "Kony" was already in Sudan.

2. These 2 radio communications 'interecepted' by UPDF were therefore between 2 people in the Sudan. HOW does UPDF manage that ? Can't "Kony" afford a mobile phone which cannot be 'intercepted' ?

3. If Kamuduli was not killed earlier, WHO had announced him dead ? and WHO was the dead man ?

4.  Watch out for an attack in Lira in Sept/October this year.

This whole thing is painfully obvious. .......


Kony promotes himself to General
By Andrew M. Mwenda & Alex B. Atuhaire
June 4, 2004

KAMPALA - The leader of the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), Joseph Kony (right), has promoted himself to the rank of General. In a communication issued on June 1, 2004, Kony also promoted his deputy Vincent Otti to the rank of Lieutenant General.

According to highly placed sources in the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF), Kony announced the promotions in a radio message. Military intelligence intercepted the message.

UPDF spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza said the army is not bothered by the LRA promotions. “We don’t care whether he promotes himself to general. It makes him a general terrorist,” Bantariza told The Monitor by telephone. “We are not bothered; he can even go ahead and make himself Field Marshal,” Bantariza said.

According to security sources, LRA commanders Kamuduli (whose alleged dead body was pictured in the press) and Ceaser Acellam (LRA’s chief of military intelligence) who had earlier been announced dead are actually alive. The latter is reportedly ill in a sickbay.

Security sources further told The Monitor that Kony also promoted one of his commanders, Lakati to Brigadier. The LRA leader has also called all his commanders back to the Sudan.

Security sources say that in a radio communication, Kony instructed Otti to organise a celebration party for the promoted officers. Kony further told Otti that in spite of many difficulties, LRA would march to Lira town to loot goods for the party and that the celebrations should coincide with Independence Day anniversary celebrations.

Ugandan security sources, who have listened to the intercepted LRA radio communication, say that Kony’s self-promotion and of his rebel officers is a response to recent promotions within the UPDF . In one of the intercepted messages, Kony claims that Uganda’s Army Commander, newly promoted Lt. Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, failed to dislodge the LRA during Operation Iron Fist.

Security sources further say that Kony reasoned that how could Aronda, whom he (Kony) defeated in southern Sudan during Operation Iron Fist in 2002 become a Lieutenant General while the LRA commander himself remains at the rank of Major General.

In another development, the LRA leadership has announced it is ready for peace talks; if government accepts its terms. Highly placed sources told The Monitor that in another intercepted radio message between Kony and Otti, the rebel army now has a contact through whom they want to negotiate with government.

According to the source, privy to the radio intercept, Otti reported to Kony how he met a government peace emissary (names and code names withheld for security reasons).

Army spokesman, Maj. Shaban Bantariza said the LRA could go ahea d with the peace talks. He warned however, that preconditions would not be accepted. “No preconditions are permissible, especially those which make the population vulnerable to Kony’s terrorist attacks,” he said on phone, last evening.

The source recounted that Otti told Kony that the peace emissary was very scared, but was handled well by the LRA commander. He added that Otti told Kony that he (Otti) had held a meeting with other LRA commanders - Lukwiya and Kwoyelo - and discussed the peace proposal.

Otti further told Kony that he wrote a letter to government through the emissary, giving two conditions for peace talks: that the UPDF withdraws from southern Sudan and Northern Uganda. The second conditionality was that UPDF soldiers lay down their weapons before the LRA does so.

Bantariza however said this was unacceptable. “For us, we shall implement what the Commander in Chief tells us. We don’t envisage him instructing us to withdraw from sout hern Sudan or to lay down out tools. Such a thing has never happened and we shall not be the first ones to do it,” he said.

The source said that Kony was happy with Otti’s report on the intercepted radio communication but was skeptical about the peace emissary whom he seemed not to trust.

The source said however, that Otti told Kony that the peace emissary is well known to him (Otti) because he (the emissary) was born in Atyak and that both have been in contact for a long time.

© 2004 The Monitor Publications


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