Adam Lally wrote:
Even if there's no technical barrier (seeing as svn realizes branches
and tags as copies anyway), to me it's a more natural mental model if
branches/tags actually correspond to a single artifact that will be /
has been released together.
I think the bottom line is that both approaches can be argued for -
I don't have strong preference, except I do like to (in general)
split up things into more manageable-sized chunks.  So, I think I would
come down on the side of having separate top-level projects for the
uima-java and uima-cpp things - they're pretty big pieces of code.

Maybe this means we might want a project for "smaller" things that don't belong in
either one (like the docbook).  We could collect these things
into a general top-level thing called uima-shared - and if it got too big,
we could consider splitting it.


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