Michael Baessler wrote:
Adam Lally wrote:
When checking through the Resolved issues assigned to me I noticed
that one of them was the addition of jars containing our source code,
as part of our binary release.  I must have missed that when it went
The current uimaj-2.2.0-03 does not contain the issue UIMA-499. That issue will be in the next level.

I'm a little uneasy about this.  Don't some companies have issues with
their people downloading source code?  Does this create a barrier for
UIMA to be used?
Good point. I think if someone just download the binary release he don't think that he also gets the source code. So when I think about this again I would say that we don't
add the source jars to our binary distribution.
+1. But what folks want/need is the javadocs in some way that can be accessed by users
(not developers) of UIMA.

What about having a separate developer release package that contains the binary distribution package with
the additional src jars.

What do other apache projects do here - is it common for binary
distributions to contain the source?  I think this perhaps deserves
some discussion.
Maybe one of our mentors can advice us here...
I think for developers of UIMA, they will download the source distribution, which of course
has all the source ;-)

The issue seems to be how to "conveniently" attach the JavaDocs (which are distributed
with the binary distribution, and also available via http from our website).

In Eclipse, the attachment of JavaDocs for Jar files in the class path are kept in the .classpath file. Our distribution includes these for the "examples" project - so if you download the binary UIMA distribution, and run the post-unzip "fixup", and then "import" the Examples project into Eclipse, you
get the javadoc attachments already done.

An issue might be: what about new projects? An alternative is to copy the examples project - giving it the new project's name, and then deleting all its contents. You then have the classpath set up properly. Another (better?) alternative is to use Eclipse's ability to collect a set of jars into a named "library". Then you can specify that library as something to add to a classpath. When you define the named library, you can set its javadoc location. Named libraries are kept in the workspace, and can easily be added to any project. So you would need to do this just once per workspace.

Given this, I recommend we document this better (I updated the JavaDocs chapter in the reference),
and *not* ship the sources in the bin distribution
for the reasons cited above.

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