Currently, our uima-website project stores a copy of each release's documentation. This can be quite large, mainly due to the Javadoc API storage which is around 20 MB. A previous discussion pointed out that this was probably not an issue for SVN, which was cited as being good for storing lots of small things.

This was contrasted to an alternative, where we might use the official distribution site to store not only our zipped/tarred up releases, but also copies of the documentation; it was pointed out that the mirroring mechanism was "tuned" to work with fewer numbers of large files, as opposed to lots and lots of little ones (which is the organization of the Javadoc html site). Because of this we were advised against putting our Javadocs, especially, on the mirroring distribution site, in expanded form for access from our web-site.

The website for UIMA on is built doing an SVN update. Only the docs/ directory is checked out.

The current situation is that we have in SVN copies of the docs (Javadocs, plus docbook docs in html and pdf format) for all releases (of UIMA). < Well, that's not quite accurate - some of the previous releases didn't have all the docs put up on the web site apparently >. But we only provide links on our website to the "current" release of the Javadocs, even though we have the older releases available.

This seems inconsistent; we should either have pointers to all the docs for all the releases, or, if we decide not to provide links to other than the current release, we should not burden the website with storing the older releases (even though the storage of these in SVN cannot be reclaimed).

If we continue to store copies of the expanded release docs as entities in our SVN in the web-site project so we can have them available on the web site, I would prefer that we change the website to have links to all the documentation for all the releases that is available in SVN. These could be categorized to reduce clutter. Other opinions?


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