Thilo Goetz wrote:
Adam Lally wrote:
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Thilo Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So you're saying having the old documentation is marginally
useful.  Then I suggest we create an "archive" section where
we put all the old stuff, distributions and documentation.
Less clutter, but it's still around.

Currently we have the old documentation higher up on the screen
than the "getting started" guides.  The old stuff should go where
it's not obsuring current information.

+1.  I agree the old documentation shouldn't be where it gets in the way.

We should just make sure that the URLs don't change when things are
moved to the archive section, so that links to break.  So the file
structure should still be organized by release, but we can redesign
the main Documentation page to make the current docs much more


Sounds good to me.  It should be no problem to keep the links
constant, I agree that's a requirement.

+1 -Marshall


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