On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Adam Lally <ala...@alum.rpi.edu> wrote:
> The next question is under what conditions would a GC execute.
> Requiring an explicit call seems counter to what other garbage
> collecting runtime environments do, and like Thilo I'm confused about
> who would call this and when.  I think it would be better to define
> the parameters that control GC in the PerformanceTuningSettings that
> we already have, and make them dependent on how much CAS heap space is
> used relative to a GC threshold that the user has set in the
> PerformanceTuningSettings.

Given the current CAS implementation, GC related operations are going to
be fairly expensive, for example, even just computing how much data is
available to be deleted. So I'd be concerned that any automatic GC based
on CAS size or other dynamic properties may often be CPU costly.

One user scenario that motivated this thread was that an aggregate designer
knew exactly when they wanted to do GC. What is wrong with giving them
a CAS method to call?

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