On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Eddie Epstein <eaepst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Adam Lally <ala...@alum.rpi.edu> wrote:
>> The next question is under what conditions would a GC execute.
>> Requiring an explicit call seems counter to what other garbage
>> collecting runtime environments do, and like Thilo I'm confused about
>> who would call this and when.  I think it would be better to define
>> the parameters that control GC in the PerformanceTuningSettings that
>> we already have, and make them dependent on how much CAS heap space is
>> used relative to a GC threshold that the user has set in the
>> PerformanceTuningSettings.
> Given the current CAS implementation, GC related operations are going to
> be fairly expensive, for example, even just computing how much data is
> available to be deleted. So I'd be concerned that any automatic GC based
> on CAS size or other dynamic properties may often be CPU costly.
> One user scenario that motivated this thread was that an aggregate designer
> knew exactly when they wanted to do GC. What is wrong with giving them
> a CAS method to call?

Where would they call this method from?  An aggregate designer would
just write a descriptor, not code.  I suppose they could stick in a
"GC annotator" that does nothing but call the GC method, but this
seems like a hack.

Can this be handled with configuration?  I think somebody suggested
something like this already, but I can't find the quote right now.
One of the GC configuration options would be to specify that a GC
should always occur after a particular delegate AE has finished (or
that GC should occur after that AE finished, if the heap size is also
above a certain threshold).


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