Jörn Kottmann wrote:
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> ...  
> Marshall is there anything we can do to avoid this issue ?
I learned another maven command-line thing that purges your local
repository of just the things in a particular Pom.  The command is:

mvn dependency:purge-local-repository

> Maybe we can use another version of eclipse as dependency.
I think this is definitely worth investigating.  It's quite possible
that later version of Eclipse jar uploading to the central maven repo
have found a way around this.
> I also noticed that our eclipse plugins depend on different eclipse
> version, would it be an advantage to only depend on one ?
I don't think there's any advantage.  What happens I think, is that
these jars are used to make the compile step work, but at runtime, these
jars are all "provided" by the particular Eclipse environment.

> Jörn

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