As I understand it, when you use failover around the AMQ URL and the named
broker(s) is/are not available, the send blocks. The latest AMQ release 5.3
has support for timeouts using this notation:


This is a new release that I have not tried yet. Besides, we are releasing
UIMA AS with AMQ 4.1.1 support and our code should be backwards compatible.
Having said that, I had problems with correct failover behaviour with 4.1.1
while 5.2 worked fine.

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Jörn Kottmann <> wrote:

> Jaroslaw Cwiklik wrote:
>> Initially this is exactly what I thought of doing. But we need finer level
>> of control. Dont want to be stuck in the AMQ send method until the broker
>> becomes available. Instead the code will silently retry connection
>> indefinitely similar to Spring Listener's waitUntilSuccessfull()
> In our system we plan to use a Pure Master Slave
> ActiveMQ Broker. In the case the Master fails the
> clients just reconnect to the Slave.
> More information can be found here:
> The broker URL for this configuration looks like this:
> failover://(tcp://masterhost:61616,tcp://slavehost:61616)?randomize=false
> If the code retires to connect it must be able to detect
> that the broker is not available, maybe the send method
> just throws an exception, which is then handled.
> Does non-blocking sending in case of an error also work
> if "failover" is used ?
> Jörn

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