Thilo Goetz wrote:
On 1/28/2010 17:15, Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Marshall Schor wrote:
I'm probably showing my ignorance here :-) but, leaving aside the
question of making core uima support annotators as osgi bundles, can you
say what the differences are between the uimaj-ep-runtime bundle we
build for eclipse, having all the core UIMA capability, and your goal
below of "making uimaj available as an OSGI bundle"?  My understanding
is that Eclipse plugins are osgi bundles, and we build these using the
Felix maven plugin, which wraps the standard OSGI bundle making code.

Thanks for the clarifications...

Isn't the only thing we are missing the support for
annotators in OSGi bundles ? Right now that can be
hacked by using the Eclipse-RegisterBuddy header,
which works for example with the spring OSGi server.

Thilo, why do you think we cannot add OSGi annotator bundles
without breaking backward compatibility ?

Good question.  I should have written it down, I can't
quite recall now what I was thinking of.  One thing that
might get interesting is JCas, and basically everything
that does manual class loading.  Maybe this can all be
done in a backward compatible manner, though.

What do you think about OSGi's FrameworkUtil,
can we use that to do our class loading ?


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