(Please excuse the From: line, the folowing diartibe is mostly my personal 

If only there was some sort of legal entity who could lobby on behalf of the 
views that consensous of this list has concluded to be a sane reaction to the 
currently proposed legislation...

Idealy this would be an entity that doesnt exist soley to represent the 
interests of comercial entities, either those who have self identified as 
'ISPs' to form some sort of Association or joined a 'not-for-profit' entity in 
which the membership consists soley of comercial entities without any of the 
natural persons our elected politicians are apparently here to represent :)

I will point out that while Ive attempted to avoid drawing any premature 
conclusions based on what is reported in the media until there is actual 
legislation being proposed, rather than 'unauthorised' leaks designed to soften 
the impact of any official announcement, but in the mean time I have taken the 
oppertunity to arrange a meeting with my MP later this month to discuss my 
personal views on these issues.. (Everyone loves John Redwood, right?)

Wether it be a visit, letter, blog comment or on of those apparently pointless 
e-petitions, I would highly recommend that anyone who feels strongly about this 
issue takes advantage of the fact in this country we are (mostly) granted the 
right of free speech with which to make our opinions heard :)

PS sorry for top posting, back in the days where i had the luxury of only 
reading emails on devices with screens bigger than my hand it didnt seem like 
too much effort to scroll past whatever drivel I was about to reply to.. Erm i 
mean ensure none of the precious context was lost to the quote-hiding-fairies!



From: Aled Morris [mailto:al...@qix.co.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 10:20 PM
To: Adrian Kennard <uk...@e.gg>
Cc: Steve Karmeinsky <steve-uk...@gbnet.net>; uknof@lists.uknof.org.uk 
<uknof@lists.uknof.org.uk>; Neil J. McRae <n...@domino.org>; Clive D.W. Feather 
<cl...@davros.org>; Alec Edworthy <a.edwor...@lboro.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [uknof] Pirate Bay Block

On 1 May 2012 21:51, Adrian Kennard <uk...@e.gg<mailto:uk...@e.gg>> wrote:
Oh, I know. But are we enough of a voice to cause sanity to prevail?

No; as  Thomas pointed out... "Lobbies are stopped by other lobbies. Time to 
lobby ...."


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