> On 25 Mar 2015, at 11:04, Christian de Larrinaga <c...@firsthand.net> wrote:
> Would it be a false observation of LINX, LoNAP, AMiX and others of how
> they have encouraged infrastructure locally around them as well as
> through them?

yes. They exist because of the people and demand in those locations. had the 
demand not existed then there would be no need.

> I can see a lot of benefit in having IX locally where I can run tails to
> and select transit / peering from.

Assuming you get a good selection of its varied infrastructure I would agree, 
will that happen in Brighton? Feels tough to me. And I don't see my neighbour 
having the ability to pull their own fibre and connecting to an exchange point 
- even if they had the inclination. 

If there was a deluge of skilled people you would see companies and investment 
that would generate real demand as opposed to government funded fake demand 
nonsense. (See India for a comparison). 

> Of course that might not fit the business model assumptions behind FTTc
> or DOCSIS but those are so telco 1990s ;-)

I look forward to hearing and seeing your case for the alternative! 

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