It kind of depends on what you are seeing;

On the CPE are you seeing the line in sync? Assuming you are, are you
seeing authentication requests from the BRAS node? Again I assume yes.

If the CPE login attempt gets rejected and you're certain the login
details are correct and you're not seeing their RADIUS servers
querying yours to check the credentials then they have either
provisioned the line with the wrong realm in the case its a 20CN line
or if its a 21CN line the line might not be forwarded to your
host-links (if its a 20CN line, they are typically locked to a
specific realm specified during the provisioning process, and can
support up to 5 realms per line, you can place a modify-order for free
to add realms to the line, they usually happy the overnight within 24
hours, if its a 21CN line they are usually locked to the provider and
accept any realm the CP has registered with BT, in this case you need
to check you have registered the realm with BT). In either case you
need to ensure you are advertising your RADIUS IPs etc and have
configured their RADIUS servers as clients of yours although it sounds
like you've done that.

If your provider is not BT for example, and say a VAR or reseller of
BT for example, it's possible BT haven't added your realm to the line
because your reseller hasn't asked them to, or they have asked them to
and so BT haven't done it, or your realm is on that line and the
reseller isn't forwarding the realm correctly to you, and so on and so
forth. In this case it’s another layer of complexity/faults.

If you are taking tunnels from an LLU provider like TalkTalk for
example most of the shame shiz applies.

In order to check what realms you have provisioned with that ADSL
circuit provider, be it BT, TalkTalk or a reseller (having worked with
all combinations) - BT and TalkTalk only provide a list of realms via
email (unless TalkTalk  have updated their portal from the 90’s, BT
don’t really even have a “portal”, naturally). I've only seen
resellers allowing you to see your domains registered with them in
realm time via a portal - but that isn't showing you necessarily that
the reseller has provisioned the realm with their LLU supplier.


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