Sorry I meant TV and not just ITV. 

> In definitive terms yes you can say hundreds of millions of pounds or
> terabits of traffic, but what about relative terms? What relative
> percentage of traffic and OPEX has it saved you across your core?

Not sure why you care if it’s opex or anything else. It’s saved us _hundreds of 
millions_ of pounds in cash, moulah, filthy lucre, spondulicks etc. 

> I'm didn't say it can't be done or that there aren't any benefits, but
> things are never simple. E.g. if you ingest content from ITV via
> unicast or multicast and multicast it to you STBs, the cost of the
> ingestion, distribution across the network, multicast enabled BNGs,
> CPEs, STBs, multicast trained staff, NOC, reporting and analytics, all
> needs to cost less than the cost of plonking the required number ITV
> caches around the network (because you have many other unicast caches
> around the place, this isn't anything new operationally). If the
> multicast solution is marginally cheaper you probably don't go for it,
> but if it's way cheaper, now you have to open the jar labelled "should
> we have two different solutions in operation simultaneously [multicast
> ITV plus unicast whatever] to save $mega_bucks or pay the extra to
> only have unicast services and reduced complexity"?

The cost of operating this is a piss in the ocean compared to the cash saved 
all of the things you talk about I already have. Multicast isn’t that difficult 
to learn or monitor. You need more monitoring for unicast to make sure the 
receiver (I.e my eyeball) is getting a picture. With multicast it’s easier to 
know what the experience is With dynamic multicast which is what we have at BT 
I can wind the needs up and down. 

>> The complexity is minimal
> Agree to disagree then, finding good multicast people is hard. There
> also aren't many good multicast enabled NMS's.

With streaming telemetry managing multicast has never been so easy. 

>> The question that’s hard to answer is when does linear die? Too many of the 
>> current content providers are tied to linear and will be for some time and 
>> with the direction of freeing up radio spectrum multicast will have a huge 
>> part in solving that problem.
> But with IPv6 people are looking at mad ideas like assigning IPs
> directly content, so multicast could be further sidelined with
> anycast.
> I won't be at UKNOF44 but I'm keen to talk more about this face to
> face, UKNOF45 it shall have to be.
> Cheers,
> James.

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