A long way of saying, I don't agree that the fear of "never being
acquired" is a reason for a company to delay their adoption & use of IPv6.

The acquisition problem is overlapping RFC1918 space - and/or running
out in the new larger combined entity. I know people who've implemented
nested NAT and split horizon DNS so that each aqcuired company has a
different view of their internal RFC1918 space with their internal
services being on different RFC1918 IPs depending on which part of the
building you're in.

We're a little company using small amounts of RFC1918, but when we
acquired BHost we still couldn't join their management LAN in a sensible
fashion, fortunately all the servers had v6 so we ignored it and moved
management to v6. Far far quicker. is home DSL, and your DMZ, and your other DMZ and your
VPN endpoint....

If your acquired company has it's internal network on globally unique v6
space it's all a bit easier.


Pete Stevens

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