(Sorry for the repost but I forgot to put a subject in the first one!)


Hello everyone! This is my first time posting to the list and I am trying to get unattended set up to do mass installs of XP SP1 here at work.


I’ve got it working for all three mediums (floppy, CD, and network) and am in the process of testing it on a few machines. Everything seems to go fine until the final reboot into XP. Then every machine just constantly blue-screens after the XP splash screen and immediately reboots. They do this over and over again until I power them off. I’ve tried everything I can think of to debug the problem and although all the systems are Dells, I am getting the exact same behavior on four different models.


Has anyone else run into this or have any idea of what to do? I’ve tried safe mode, safe mode command prompt, VGA mode, last known good configuration, etc. all to no avail. Thanks in advance for your help!


David Archer


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