does a manual installation (on the same machine) work? i've seen this
behaviour on machines with hw problems


On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 6:49 PM, Ronnie Carlos Tavares Nunes <

> Hi all,
> I'm recently downloaded Unattended and began to try it. First of all, I
> did exactly the site explain and tryed the basic installation. Of the
> beginning the copy of windows xp files, error occurs after the message:
> wait  while the files is been copying to hard disk.... The message is:
> the installation cannot  copy the following file: updspapi.dll.  If  I
> hit the key  ESC to ignore the file,  the error repeat with another
> file: update.exe; ESC again and the same error with the file
> spcustom.dll. I know the file are in the correct place (under update
> directory of directory i386 of  winxpsp2 os
> [Z:/install/os/winxpsp2/i386/update] ). I tryed to put the archives in
> uppercase, didn't work. Then I replace the files from another ones
> working in one machine running XP. Didn't work too. If I ignore the
> archives, the installation ends if no problem. Same ideas why this is
> happening?
> Thanks,
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