And do you know what, Elisa?  Probably somewhere more than a decade ago, there 
were two bicylists snickering, "That Lance Armstrong!  Who does he think he is? 
 Why doesn't he get a life??? Is racing the only thing he can think about?  
Duh, Lance!"
> Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2009 20:53:17 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Understand] Chapter six?
> My sentiments exactly. I feel as I am seen as too eager, too studious or just 
> too much. It's exhausting trying not to be who I am but it's also a bit 
> alienating being the kind of teacher you describe below. I once walked into 
> the school library where two teachers were chuckling as one showed the other 
> my blog. There may have been nothing bad intended in the chuckle but it still 
> made me feel sad. 
> Elisa
> Elisa Waingort
> Grade 2 Spanish Bilingual
> Dalhousie Elementary
> Calgary, Canada
> The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even 
> touched. They must be felt within the heart. 
> —Helen Keller
> Visit my blog, A Teacher's Ruminations, and post a message.
> and find at times I am
> alienated from others because of my desire to read and improve on my
> teaching etc. 

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