One thing I'm very curious about going forward: Right now character 
values greater than 65535 are purely theoretical. However this will 
change. It seems to me that handling these characters properly is 
going to require redefining the char data type from two bytes to 
four. This is a major incompatible change with existing Java.

There are a number of possibilities that don't break backwards 
compatibility (making trans-BMP characters require two chars rather 
than one, defining a new wchar primitive data type that is 4-bytes 
long as well as the old 2-byte char type, etc.) but they all make the 
language a lot less clean and obvious. In fact, they all more or less 
make Java feel like C and C++ feel when working with Unicode: like 
something new has been bolted on after the fact, and it doesn't 
really fit the old design.

Are there any plans for handling this?

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|                  The XML Bible (IDG Books, 1999)                   |
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