À 05:36 2000-12-30 -0800, Elliotte Rusty Harold a écrit:
And yet the claim has been made in this thread that even there 70% of the population can't speak English well enough to carry on a simple phone call. (I'm not sure I believe that statistic either, though.

[Alain]  I wrote that and it is the bare reality, unfortunately, the figures are roughly those (plus or minus 5 percent).

 It's certainly not my experience of Quebec where so far I've met exactly one person whose English was worse than my French, and he was a recent immigrant from Africa.)

[Alain]  Then I can only say that you have never been East of the St-Laurent boulevard in Montréal or have traveled in a bubble outside of Montréal if you did so. You have an extremely superficial knowledge of Québec, I'm sorry to say.

   40% of the Montréal area speaks English fluently. True. That fluency drops to virtually 0 outside the area, except in some pockets West of Montréal (some unilingual English) and in the Gaspé area (near New Brunswick).

   That said, everybody learns elementary English from grade 4 to grade 6 included in Québec, and perhaps most also beyond, until grade 12. But that does not make all these people even able to sustain a telephone conversation. That is a truth that can not be more actual.

Alain LaBonté

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