On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Mark Leisher wrote:

> Oops.  I missed a spot.

  Isn't this mistake implying that you're still in favor of
'sed' over 'perl' for this kind of simple operation :-) ?
It seems to me a bit ironic that those who must be aware of all
sorts of sed/awk wizadry try to do everything they used to do with
'sed/awk/tr/uniq/join/sort/split/cut/....' with perl alone. For
some cases, perl appears to me too 'heavy'.

> % perl -ne 's/\[unicode\]// if (/^Subject:/); print;' messagefile

  I would (and I believe you would as well) do

  % sed '/^Subject: \[unicode\]/ s/ \[unicode\]//'  messagefile

(Don't tell me to invoke perl with '-pe' option :-) )

Better still, I'd just put the following line in my ~/.procmailrc

   :0 fw
     * ^Subject: [unicode]
      | sed 's/\[unicode\]//'
   :0 A

This recipe applies to anyone whose mail server is Unix-based and works
with procmail (and supports IMAP) regardless of how and on what platform
(MacOS, MS-Windows, Unix, ...)  (s)he actually reads emails (as long as
the mail client/access method supports IMAP as well).  Without the last
two lines (which automatically puts messages from Unicode mailing list
into a separate mail folder named 'unicode' on the IMAP server), the
requirement for IMAP could be dropped and POP3 clients would work as well.

Those who find this a bit cryptic may (or may not) wish to point their
browser at <http://www.procmail.org>.

  Jungshik Shin

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