From: "Carl W. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I first I thought the same thing but I have changed my mind.  There are
> problems but the problems are with UTF-16 not UTF-8.  I don't think that I
> am the only one who thinks that UTF-8s will create more problems that it
> fixes.
> Worse yet they will also have to "fix" UTF-32 as well.
> The point of this message is to fix UTF-16 which is the source of the
> problem.  These changes are no more of a stretch than UTF-32s.  The
> proposal that I heard involves replication the same code points to get
> code points to sort high like UTF-16.
> What this does, is the legitimize the code point shift for UTF-16, UTF-8,
> and UTF-32 so that the transforms all work and all sort the same and that
> the binary sort and Unicode sort orders are the same.
> It does involve a minor normalization transform but you have to do that
> UTF-32s anyway and UTF-32s is required if you allow support of UTF-8s.
> big difference is that you don't change any UTF protocols or develop two
> mutually exclusive transforms that are so similar that they might be
> confused.  Besides this transform keeps UTF-8 to 4 bytes not 6 and will
> with the existing UTF-8 software.
> The beauty of this proposal is that UCS-2 (plane 0 only) codes will sort
> the same order as the post transformed UTF-16 codes.


I would agree with you except for one thing.... no one needs this, to solve
their implementation issues! Why would everyone want to turn around and have
to change all their implementations around, including the lazy folks who are
asking others to change for their sake, to support something that no one
wants to do?

The whole UTF-8S mess is a bunch of people asking for a lavicious license to
be lecherously lazy (they should have called it UTF-8L in effigy). No one is
interested in doing a bunch of work here:

1) There is the group of people who took responsibility for their
implementations at some point in the last seven years to properly support
supplementary characters. They do not want to do any extra work since they
work just fine.

2) There is the group of people who are scrambling around trying to get
their laziness canonized as the forward looking savior of a solution that
all of us were too foolish to realize is vital -- they do not want to do any
work either (except marketing work to convince everyone how right they are).

3) There is the group of people who can't believe how far this has come.

I understand the technical merit of the suggestion, and it is technically
superior to the UTF-8S plan (this is of course not saying much, but your
plan is well thought out!). The problem is that this is a solution that is
looking for a problem.

The only people who have the problem are the ones who were not thinking
ahead, and they do not want to throw away their current solution, they are
too in love with it.


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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