Michael Everson wrote:
> At 12:33 -0700 2001-07-02, Edward Cherlin wrote:
> >Has anyone proposed the following for inclusion in Unicode? If so,
> >what is their status?
> >
> >Daoist Hexagrams, 64 forms (the trigrams are already included, but
> >with no combining mechanism)
> You're welcome to, if you have evidence for these.

Evidence? There's ample evidence, starting c. 1000 BC, with
[U+5468][U+6613] _Zhou Yi_ (aka _Yi Jing_ aka _I Ching_ aka _The Book of
Changes_), an artifact of the Zhou Dynasty ...

Here they are with the _Da Xiang_ ('The Great Symbolism') commentary:


But for combining mechanisms ... Hey! another use for an IDC: what about
[U+2FF1] ...

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