I am sure there is a simple answer, but at the moment I am confused.

On Windows 2k with default locale "Traditional Chinese" and input locale
"Chinese (Taiwan)" and using the
"Chinese Traditional - Quick" method, users can enter Characters with
the code points:

0xFA44 0xFA41 0x916F

These values are outside the range of codepage 950.

So a subsequent conversion to Unicode fails, as these values are also
not in the Microsoft mapping tables to Unicode.

The characters represent things such as:
0x916F for Quarry Bay in Hong Kong Island
another is a character for a Island in Macau

So my questions are:
a) Is win 2k using an extended version of 950?
b) Is the Trad. Chinese input method generating characters outside 950
or perhaps generating 936 values?
c) Perhaps these characters are in the HKSCS extension and there is a
950 +HKSCS code page?  

Anyway, my goal is to insure that users can input any character the
input method supports, bring it into an application in the native code
page, and map it to unicode. To do that I need a consistent definition
for the code page.
Any clues?


Tex Texin                    Director, International Business
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Tel: +1-781-280-4271
the Progress Company         Fax: +1-781-280-4655
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