On Friday, May 10, 2002, at 06:29 PM, John Cowan wrote:

> What is this about Qing taboo characters?  Can someone point me to an
> explanation (in English)?  Thanks.

The whole idea of "taboo" forms stems from the fact that there are certain 
ideographs one could not use because, typically, they're part of  personal 
name of someone important.  So one deliberately distorts them when writing 

Such a thing is very much time-bound.  Using a character from the personal 
name of the *current* emperor is a big deal, but using one from the 
personal name of an emperor five hundred years dead from an entirely 
different dynasty is no biggie.  So the Qing dictionary, the KangXi, would 
have some taboo forms which would later become untaboo (especially now, of 
course, since nobody does that kind of thing anymore).

John H. Jenkins

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