On Saturday, March 16, 2002, at 06:00 , Jungshik Shin wrote:
>> situation.  There are so many Watanabe-sans, Saito-san, and others 
>> whose
>> name cannot be spelled in Unicode.
>   and any of Japanese character sets, right?

   Sadly yes.  Japanese government should definitely spend more resource 
on this subject than giving away fiber optics to rural areas.

>> (*) My parents wanted me to name me 彈 (U+5F48), a classical form, but
>> it was not listed on "the table of Kanjis allowed for names" so I was
>> named  U+5F3E.
>   Frankly speaking, I find it rather hard to understand what difference
> there is between using U+5F48 and using U+5F3E in spelling your
> name. They're the same character with the same meaning but with a bit of
> variation in shape. However, I should be careful because this is about
> one's name.

   Frankly I don't care much myself because to me name is just a pointer 
and as a programmer I am used to pointer relocations :)  But at the same 
time I can understand how they feel.  Suppose your name was Stephen and 
your government tell you since "Stephen" is not in their dictionary so 
call yourself Steven.  You have right to be angry.


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