Marco Cimarosti scripsit:

> All 8859 tables would be more succint.

Well, I checked the 8859-2 mapping table, and the only contiguous ranges
are of length 2, namely 0xA7-0xA8, 0xC1-0xC2, 0xCD-0xCE, 0xD3-0xD4,
0xD6-0xD7, 0xDC-0xDD, 0xE1-0xE2, 0xF3-0xF4, 0xF6-0xF7, 0xFC-0xFD.
All of these are places where Latin-1 and Latin-2 coincide.

> Latin sections are a worse case, but they still benefit slightly, because
> characters shared with Latin-in stay the same positions.

This is strongly true of Latin-1, -2, -3, -4: a character appears in the
same codepoint or not at all.  Unfortunately, Latin-3 is used only for
Esperanto and Maltese, and Latin-4 is dead.  The later Latins share only
with Latin-1.

A mosquito cried out in his pain,               John Cowan
"A chemist has poisoned my brain!"    
        The cause of his sorrow       
        Was para-dichloro-                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Diphenyltrichloroethane.                                (aka DDT)

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