> From: Markus Scherer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Barry Caplan wrote:
> > There is a link with the story on the fron page of www.i18n.com
> Nice story, similar to the one with Gary Miller. It seems like we
> have three stories of origin now (with mid-'80s DEC).  The i18n.com
> version does not date the MIT meeting, does it?

It must be '89, when the X Window System Internationalization
team at MIT got formed for X11R5 release, as what the article
on i18n.com refers as, "a committee working on the standards for
xwindows". (By the way, "xwindows" is incorrect, no plural please ;-)
it should be written as X Window System :). 
The statement I posted earlier,

hiura> The acronym "I18N" appeared before 1991, since I recall I have
hiura> already used I18N in '89 ;-).

was exactly refering to the use of "I18N" in the committee the article
on i18n.com referring.  As some of you may remember ;-), I was a part
of this committee, so I know this committee was not the origin of the
term I18N.

We've created two mailing lists at MIT for the X Window System
Internationalization activity, called mltalk(multilingual talk) and
i18n-si (Internationalization sample implementation) back on those

DEC was heavily involved in the development of X Window System
since very early phase, I can imagine there were some idea exchanges
on the naming, so it is possible that the rep. of DEC passed the
hint to this committee.

Chair, Li18nux/Linux Internationalization Initiative,  http://www.li18nux.org
Chair, OpenI18N/Open Internationalization Initiative, http://www.OpenI18N.org
Board of Directors, Free Standards Group,        http://www.freestandards.org
Architect/Sr. Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc, USA   eFAX: 509-693-8356

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