Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

On Thursday, Feb 20, 2003, at 03:50 Asia/Tokyo, Deborah Goldsmith wrote:

There are two problems we have seen with keyboard preferences.

1. Bringing up the force-quit dialog (command-option-escape) can sometimes disable keyboards in ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts. This can be worked around by moving them to /Library/Keyboard Layouts. Please let me know if this is part of the problem.
I have never noticed it. BTW,

2. Sometimes other keyboards will not remain enabled over logoff/logon, even if they are not in ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts.
After logoff/login, my custom keyboard layouts are not lost though Arabic QWERTY is often replaced by Arabic. But after restart, they will vanish from Flag menu and become unchecked in Input Menu tag of International Preferences.

Please do the following in Terminal:

defaults read "Keyboard Menu"

The normal result is:

The domain/default pair of (, Keyboard Menu) does not exist
I got the normal result.

So you have not experienced a similar problem with 10.2.4? At first, I thought it to be my personal problem. I have installed so many stuffs, some uncommon stuffs too. So I had been struggling to fix the oddity by all conceivable means. Trashing ~/Library/Preferences/, ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ and files under Caches folders. Repair Permissions. Installing 10.2 and Combo updater to 10.2.4 on another partition. Nothing has worked for me.

But yesterday, on another list, I read a posting which *seems* to complain about the same problem.
< wa.exe?A2=ind0302&L=nisus&T=0&F=&S=&P=18572>
If you read messages on the same thread, you'll notice that the others do not seem to have the problem.
If I'm not mistaken, the author of the message is using my Latin TL and AsianExtended created by Nobumi Iyanaga.
Both Latin TL and AsianExtended have the same structure for they have been created by modifying U.S. Extended. So I thought something might be wrong with my keylayout files though Console has not reported a single error.

May this kind of oddity be caused by inappropriate owner/permission settings? If so, what is the appropriate setting?

In "About the Mac OS X 10.2.4 Update" <>, it is written that "Addresses an issue in which the Web browser selection could unexpectedly change to a different browser after updating your default browser". Does this fix have something to do with my problem?

Another possibility. Is it possible that this oddity occurs only to specific model(s) of Mac? I'm running OS X 10.2.4 English International on PM G4 dual 1 G MDD.

It's too late, almost morning here in Japan. Good night, good day.

Yusuke Kinoshita

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