Chris Jacobs wrote at 6:02 PM on Thursday, March 6, 2003:

>BoSeM, is written with a SIN with two dots in
>Ben Yehuda's Pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English dictionary.
>It translates as perfume, spice there.
>I see the spelling in Ben Tehuda's is inconsistent.
>In the English-Hebrew section under perfume the dot is above the BETH, as
>you describe it.
>But under spice there is again the SIN with two dots, like in the Hebrew-
>English section.
>In that same pocket dictionary MoSHeL, rule; resemblance, has no dot over
>the MEM. It has one dot over the SHIN.

Ben Yehuda is a "modern" Hebrew dictionary, and, as I noted in my
original email, I have little experience in modern, Israeli Hebrew -
maybe the orthography is different there, I just don't know. Which is why
I was limiting my remarks to classical Hebrew.

Maybe we have some Israeli lurkers out here who can help us with this?


Dean A. Snyder
Scholarly Technology Specialist
Center For Scholarly Resources, Sheridan Libraries
Garrett Room, MSE Library, 3400 N. Charles St.
The Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21218

office: 410 516-6850 mobile: 410 245-7168 fax: 410-516-6229
Manager, Digital Hammurabi Project:
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