All I have is "The Annals of the Cakchiquels", published in 1885. I
don't have any modern information.

On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 03:38:15PM +0000, Michael Everson wrote:
> Having said that, one would expect a good deal of research to be done 
> before approaching these. How many languages were they used for? 

At least Cakchiquel, Quiche, and Tzutuhil.

> What 
> sounds do they represent? 

The tresillo is a trilled guttural. The cuatrillo is a trilled palatal,
“between a hard _c_ and _k_”.  The cuatrillo con coma is pronounced
“somewhat like [...] ç, only more quickly and with greater force—_ds_
or _dz_.” The unnamed tz is “exactly the same as _tz_ in German.” And
the cuatrillo con coma followed by an h is “produced by combining the
cuatrillo with a forcible aspirate.”

> Do 
> they appear in casing pairs? 

Not in my book. There are examples of "I. 4atun 4hutiah qui [...]",
where a capital letter would have been used to start the sentence, but
the same form of the cuatrillo is used.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Einstein once said that it would be hard to teach in a co-ed college since
guys were only looking on girls and not listening to the teacher. He was
objected that they would be listening to _him_ very attentively, forgetting
about any girls. But such guys won't be worth teaching, replied the great

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