
> > Note that the example you posted also had an h-ogonek, so the
> > usage is not limited to vowels, per se.
> Indeed.
> > (Although that particular
> > entity itself is a little bizarre, since you cannot really
> > nasalize a voiceless glottal fricative.
> Then you'd be even more surprised at c-ogonek. (IJAL 65, p. 331.)

Used for what? Unless it is a dyslexic c-cedilla, my guess
on that one is that it actually *is* a c with a retroflex
hook, on analogy with IPA U+0282 and U+0290, and then
following the Americanist tradition of using the c symbol,
with appropriate diacritics, to represent the relevant
affricate articulatorily paired with the fricative. Thus
/c/ for a dental affricate, /c-hacek/ for a palato-alveolar
affricate, /c-underdot/ for a retroflex affricate, and so on.


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