Hey, if you can give me a tiff of the "Unicode" word (in it's large
original format) which is the part that I actually did like, I could
re-do the rest for you in PhotoShop v6 format, and submit as a

In my humble opinion, I do think that the unique design of the "UNI" ligature in the Unicode official logo is already copyrighted, and thus any logo that would be created with it would require an authorization from Unicode before being published.

That was a long email, but I think you misunderstand me.

I was offering to make one, for THEM to use, change or learn from. I wouldn't use it myself. I don't think I can be breaking a copyright by accepting a tiff emailed to me from Unicode.org staff.

    Theodore H. Smith - Macintosh Consultant / Contractor.
    My website: <www.elfdata.com/>

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