On 11/08/2003 18:03, John Cowan wrote:

You don't have (nor do I) the vaguest idea why Microsoft produced
this particular nonconforming implementation, or whether they
consider it a bug or not.

Don't make assumptions about things you don't know anything about. I have been working closely and personally with Microsoft's head of typography on support for Hebrew and other scripts in Uniscribe. While I don't happen to have detailed information on this particular point, I am aware of some of the constraints that Microsoft has been under e.g. to avoid the inefficiency of calling Uniscribe for rendering of plain text in western languages. This is why they have been slow to support use of arbitrary diacritics with Latin text. I think this issue may have been fixed with the soon to be released new version of Uniscribe, and perhaps the problem with spaces and diacritics has also been fixed. We'll see.

Surely the UTC should not create difficulties for implementers and then just shout at them for getting things wrong. The UTC should try to produce a standard which is workable without unnecessary complications.

This is sheer conjecture.

No, it is not. For one thing I have not said that the UTC has done anything bad, and certainly not that it has done so deliberately, only that it should not do so. But it is not just me who has pointed to the difficulty for implementers of the space + diacritic convention which the UTC defined (with inadequate forethought rather than malicious intention), see also John Hudson's independent opinions and the failure of Microsoft to implement it. I was wrong to suggest that the UTC is shouting at implementers for getting things wrong though I think it should so so if they do. But UTC members have told me to complain to implementers for getting things wrong. As for my last statement, that is simply my opinion. If you wish to disagree with it, do you prefer that the UTC should deliberately produce an unworkable standard, or that it should introduce unnecessary complications?

Peter Kirk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal)

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