At 00:37 +0100 2003-12-16, Philippe Verdy wrote:

But all this is completely out of topic of Unicode (we are more concerned
here by language codes than by country/territory codes).

Yes, it is.

Still, ISO 3166 or in UN codes is an incomplete standard, as it does not map
correctly all dependant territories (see "YT" for Mayotte, which the UN
still considers a part of Comores in its World Map updated and published in
last August 2003, but that it also falsely documents as a French territorial
collectivity, despite it is now a departmental collectivity, after its local
population approved the new status which integrates it more tightly within

Other missing codes in ISO 3166 and in UN statistics are:


If you have issues with the content of ISO 3166, Philippe, take them up with ISO TC46. You can contact the secretariat in AFNOR.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *

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