At 13:37 +0200 2004-05-20, Philippe Verdy wrote:

 > I added Coptic unilaterally.

I can't see Coptic for now in your source zip file.

It isn't in that file.

There are other "duplicate" lines for name aliases that should be listed in

I'm not going to list those changes. There is no code or name change involved.

- "Berber (Tifinagh)"
    => "Tifinagh (Berber)"

Note that the French names for Han variants are identical 'idéogrammes han",
when the English names correctly indicates the distinction between "Traditional" and "Simplified" variants. These French names should be:
"idéogrammes han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja)";"Hani";"500";"Han (Hanzi, Kanji,
"idéogrammes han (variante simplifiée)";"Hans";"501";""
"idéogrammes han (variante traditionnelle)";"Hant";"502";""

This has been corrected.

For the French name of "Hangul", I also found "Hang" quite strange (never seen
this orthograph before)....

"Orthograph" is not the word you want. You want the word "spelling". I already said, this error has been corrected.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *

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