Kenneth Whistler <kenw at sybase dot com> wrote:

>> So I must agree with Doug that
> It is simply a way to maintain a distinction needed for German
> bibliographic data to behave as required, while representing
> their data in Unicode. Call it a hack if you like, but it
> satisfied the relevant parties as an appropriate means for
> representing the data in question.

Maybe "kludge" would have been a less pejorative term.  It's a novel use
of an existing mechanism to solve a problem that had not been thought of

>> 256 variation selectors won't do if they have all been defined
>> unchangeably with the wrong properties e.g combining class. On the
>> other hand, if the UTC is prepared to ignore the combining class and
>> normalisation problems involved in using one combining class zero
>> character, CGJ, to modify a combining mark,
> ...
> This is completely in keeping with the intent of the CGJ in the
> standard, and the proposal did not, in any way, "ignore the
> combining class and normalisation problems" in this case.

Peter apparently didn't read the section I quoted from N2819 about CGJ
not causing normalization problems.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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