Title: RE: internationalization assumption

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of

> There is 2 products for English version.  One is coded by
> UTF8 and the other is coded by NON-UTF8.  Both products are
> internationalized readiness.

        I interpret that last sentence to mean that both products are being tested to determine that they are internationalized (i.e. localization readiness).

> Let's say.  The test engineer ensures the functionality and
> validates the input and output on major Latin 1 languages,
> such as German, French, Spanish, Italian, as well as Korean,
> Japanese, Chinese.
> If those products handle all languages as addressed above,
> could it be assumed that the entire character sets in whole
> latin 1, Han, Cyrillic, Arabic.... can be certifed on both products???
> Please make any comments on this assumption.

        The non-UTF-8 (more accurately, non-Unicode) application can only be certified for languages which are handled by whatever character set it uses.

        It is a common strategy to isolate the text processing routines and text in an application and change only those parts to support different character sets.  This is common in pre-Unicode applications and applications which only need to support a very limited set of languages (e.g. English and Japanese).  For such a strategy, each build must be tested completely for all supported character sets.

        For Unicode applications, Latin 1 testing is insufficient, even for internationalization testing.  Internationalization tests should verify, at minimum, that characters >u1000 <=uffff (basically, all of the BMP) can be used.  It is also good to verify >=u10000 support, or at least determine whether or not it exists for your application.  I usually test English and Japanese for BMP conformance.  For >BMP, while all the applications I've tested so far have specifically excluded this range, I still have a simple strategy based upon snipping the Deseret text from James Kass' script links page (http://home.att.net/~jameskass/scriptlinks.htm) and using that (thanks, James!).

        Note that none of the above at all refers to localization testing, which still must be done for every supported language-charset combination (this is where Unicode can really pay off by reducing things to 1 charset per language).  Internationalization testing should only determine the ability of your application to handle other languages, it is localization testing that determines whether it actually handles a given language, and would include such things as text entry and display, text conversion, coextistence, etc., as applicable.



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