10.9.2011 2:14, Kent Karlsson wrote:

But of course, which pairs of
letters (or indeed also punctuation) are likely to occur adjacently
is language dependent.

Indeed, and I used to think (some years ago) that in Finnish, even the “fi” ligature does not matter much and isn’t used (as “f” only occurs in words of foreign origin). But later I realized that _when_ a case for a ligature appears, as in a word like “filosofia” (Finnish for “philosophy”), it may matter a lot—depending on the font of course.

So I would say that it primarily depends on font and other typographic parameters rather than language.

There is a deeper language-dependency. According to Oxford Style Manual, one should not use the fi ligature in Turkish, as that would obscure the distinction between normal i and dotless i (ı). This makes perfect sense to me.

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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