On 6/9/2012 12:56 PM, Michael Everson wrote:
It is up to the UTC and to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2 to request serious evidence of use 
for things which seem of doubtful practicality, however.

And in so saying, I'd like to see a shopping list, hastily written. Notes taken 
at speed in class. Personal signatures.

Practicality doesn't enter. If there's evidence of significant usage, then that should suffice. I don't care whether there are shopping lists.If someone publishes books in that script, for example, and can point to significant sales - that's use. The reason for encoding is to allow digitization of texts - and the reason for *standardization* of this encoding is that text are shared by a significant user community whether concurrently (as in living scripts) or asynchronously (as in dead scripts). I would finally add the requirement that the user community must be "open" - at least in principle - to warrant such standardizatio.

If, to take a perhaps hypothetical case, only a small authorized group were allowed to create documents in that script, then you could legitimately question whether an *international standard* is the right form of encoding.

Shopping lists or handwritten class notes still don't enter, unless they lead to digital documents.


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