* ease of being handwritten

If you find it hard to write, it seems there’s a more cursive version, with rounded angles: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Mandombe_Sample.jpg
If that's the prescribed handwritten style, lines being at exact 90°-angles (or even exact 45° ones) poses a problem, even if the corners can be round. Because not all directions along the 360°-range are written with equal ease. Try to do a bit of practice writing in Pitman shorthand vs Gregg shorthand, if you want some experience with this.

As for your other comments: I was very obviously referring to writing systems in general. With respect to your specific claims though (which I am hesitant to discuss without empirical evidence), do keep in mind that implications of the type "all systems are equal" seem to rarely turn out right, and even if it were just practice and "getting used to a system" there would also be associated costs in mental effort and time.

- S

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